6 Best Biceps Exercises: How to get Big Biceps in 2 Weeks

If you are a guy then what is that one body part that you would want to grow on a nonstop basis? It's the biceps! It's a dream of every guy out there to have sleeve bursting arms, because it looks intimidating and helps you get respect from other guys and attention from girls.

Besides aesthetics having bigger arms or big biceps have so many purpose in a practical day to day life. They help you with all the pulling movements and lifting heavy objects in your usual day or at the gym.

You might be wondering, how to get bigger biceps fast or maybe how to get bigger biceps in 2 weeks at home without weights.

If you are searching for exercises to build bigger biceps then this post is for you.

Even if you are a:

  • "Biceps non-responder” OR
  • You just haven’t been seeing much results with your current biceps routine in the gym or home

...then implementing these new biceps exercise and tips to grow your biceps will result in a ton of greater growth in your biceps or arms. Even though if you are having a hard time to grow bigger biceps, because no matter what you do your biceps are not growing.


I'd been that guy who couldn't build bigger biceps no matter what I did, nothing was working in my favor. My bicep was just 13 inches, and I was working out in the gym for 3 years straight but failed to grow my arms.

A lot of people out there are spreading these fallacies about how to grow your arms or how to build bigger biceps, they tell you to train your arm actually one day a week or some says to avoid training your biceps and triceps directly because they get enough work done just by doing other pushing and pulling workout.

False! All wrong. Internet is inundated with misleading information which you better stop following from now on and take this what I preach, because trust me I'd been their, felt all that frustration for biceps not growing.

The tips and bicep exercises I will tell you are all packed by science which will help you sky rocket your biceps grown in a matter of weeks.

By the end of this post you will start to see some growth in your biceps in just 2 weeks, I promise! And eventually have big arms in 30 days.


Biceps Anatomy

Biceps Anatomy

The biceps is a muscle in our upper arm which consists of two heads (as the name suggest, bi means two)
  • The Long Head of Biceps
  • The Short Head of Biceps

and it also has one more head which lies underneath the long head of the biceps and it is known as

  • Biceps Brachialis

Our Biceps muscle is responsible for flexing the arms at the shoulder and elbow joints.

If you want the complete biceps development and want to grow bigger biceps fast then it is recommended to train them from all the angles to hit every head of the biceps. Thus you will develop a greater size in your biceps muscle.



When it comes to training arms, these 4 commonly asked questions comes in peoples mind and they are

    1. How many sets of biceps exercises should I do?
    2. How many reps of biceps exercises should I do?
    3. How many days a week I should train my biceps?
    4. What are the best exercises to build bigger biceps?

 Well the first tip that I am going to give is going to cover the first three questions and later we will jump on to the best exercises for biceps.

1. Volume Training for Biceps

The first and foremost thing I would recommend you to do is adjust your training volume to grow bigger biceps, because the recent study suggests that there is a relation between weekly volume and muscle growth.

So don't listen to those who say train your biceps once a week because they are small muscle group and are going to over train easily and all that BS.

Train your biceps at least 2 times per week if not 3.

That's why I highly recommend following the Push-Pull-Legs or Upper-Lower training split. Because you basically hit your biceps for 2-3 times a week.

Increasing training frequency of your biceps will definitely help you increase your biceps size and you will definitely start seeing some major changes in just 2 weeks.

Sets per workout to gain muscle mass
Sets per workout for Maximum Biceps Muscle Growth

How Many Sets for Biceps Growth?

Well there is no exact answer for this because everybody is different and everyone will get different response by following a single advice.

But the major outline is this that you should be doing as much as 30 sets of biceps on a weekly basis is you really want to see some substantial growth.

Now that doesn't mean that you hop on to preacher curls machine and annihilate your biceps by doing 30 sets in a single day. That will do more harm than good, and would put you in a jeopardizing position.

What you have to do is spilt those ~30 sets into little chunks throughout the weekly training, and perform around 8-10 sets of biceps exercises per biceps or upper body session.

How Many Reps for Biceps Growth?

Again there is not a precise answer to this question, but you can assess that by yourself.

    1.  If you can do 10-12 reps effortlessly and can go on for like 5-6 more reps then take it as you are training with very light weights; or you are not producing enough stimulus for maximum biceps growth

    2. If you can't perform more then 3 reps then you should lighten up the weight, as it is too heavy for you and could lead up to injuries.

    3. You have to be in a sweet spot range and that is around 8-10 reps if you want to maximize biceps growth.

Take home Message:

  • It's not like that, you are going to do only 8-10 rep range, although it's a sweet spot for maximum biceps or arms growth but you also have to put in effort and intensity.
  • Those 8-10 reps should feel like some work is being done while performing those reps. You should feel like that after that 7th rep it's very difficult to reach the 8th or 9th rep.

2. Give Arms Their Own Day

Well! this one is the best tip I could give on building big biceps.

Give arms their own dedicated day. If you are a natural lifter that means if you are not enhanced or on any sort of steroids then you should have a dedicated day for your arms or maybe biceps if you really want some growth in them.

Because as a natural lifter, giving your muscle the right amount of training becomes imperative.

So that being said, train your arms including biceps, triceps and forearms on a single day with your usual routine. This way you will maximize growth in your biceps or in arms in general.

If you give your biceps or arms priority then they will grow, if you don't then they won't.

3. Train With Fat Grips

This probably is the most important change that you might want to implement on your biceps training day. Train only with thick barbells or use Fat grips to make your your barbell or dumbbell's grip fat and thick.

Fat Grips are barbells or dumbbells attachment.

They increases the grip or the diameter of any barbell or dumbbell. They're super tough and useful, plus they are incredibly cheap. We highly recommend using them in your biceps routine.

Fat Grips Benefits

  • Fat gripz help increase muscle activation: Thick handles of barbells or dumbbells will automatically increase biceps activation.
  • Less Muscle Imbalance and Injuries: Thicker bar will reprieve the joint tension and helps keep the major tension on the muscle hence less muscle imbalances and injuries and maximum biceps growth.
  • Improves Concentration: Thick grips makes the movement much harder, so you have to put so much effort while doing the movement.
  • Natural Movement: Thick grips allow you to train in a natural griping position, which we do in our day to day life; lifting heavy and awkward objects.
  • Muscle Growth: Fat gripz makes your hands, fingers and arms so much stronger because of the awkward and thick grip which consequently increase the muscle mass or size of your biceps and overall arm.

4. Chase the Bicep Pump

Train for the pump. I cannot stress it enough! If you want your biceps to be 21inches big or maybe more or less whatever, you have got to get the bicep pump.

Because what happens when you get a bicep pump is that you allow the blood to flow into your biceps muscle, and that blood carries all the essential nutrients which is required for bicep growth. That way you will have a bigger bicep.

The bigger the pump the bigger the biceps.

The other benefit of the pump is that it gets your fascia to stretched up. Fascia is a sheet of connective tissues, primary collagen underneath the skin that surrounds your muscles and keep everything intact and close together.

In some people this fascia gets so tight that it deters in their bicep growth.

So the more you get pump in your biceps, the more fascia will get stretched, which subsequently allows you to build bigger and stronger biceps.

5. Try Different Bicep Exercises

Try hitting your biceps in different angles, there is no such thing as a better bicep exercise or better bicep routine, if anyone tells you so then they are trying to sell you something period.

Use different variation of exercise, find what works best for you. Because what works for someone else, wouldn't necessarily work for you as well.

Our bicep muscles are set differently into our body, so you might get a little different effect out of a bicep exercise as compared to the other person. So keep experimenting, keep trying different things until you find what works for you.

Speaking of different bicep exercise or hitting biceps with different angels, in this next exercise segment we are going to look into different exercises for biceps which will hit all the heads of our bicep muscle and ensure maximum growth.

6. Nutrition and Recovery

Guys no matter how hard and good you train your biceps, arms or any other muscle, if you are not taking your recovery seriously then everything that you do will go in trash.

If you are serious about your biceps growth and want those 21 inches big arms then you have got to take at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

As far as the nutrition is concerned you must be in a caloric surplus of around 300-500 calories. I know a lot of you might say that you can actually build muscle being in a calorie deficit.

Yes! you surely can, but it's a very slow process and you have to be consistent with everything you do. On top of that Muscle protein synthesis reduces significantly when we are in a caloric deficit.

Moreover it becomes hard to manage other outside factors such as stress and other things which deters your sleep and inhibits you from eating enough protein per day because of your routine, or daily job, school, etc.

So these were the best "big biceps tips" I could possibly gave out to you. If you want other helpful tips to get bigger biceps then check this post Bigger Biceps Workout with Dumbbells.


Now that you know how important it is to hit all the heads of bicep muscle with different angles. So, in this segment of building bigger biceps in 2 weeks, we are going to take a look into the 6 best exercises for biceps which will help you get bigger biceps / arms in just a matter of weeks.

I know that a lot or people are working out at home and / or prefer to workout at home, so I've got every single one of them covered!

What we want to do is select the bicep exercises that fill in all the gaps and actually put the science behind the selection of those exercises to make sure that you're not missing out in any of the areas.

1. Barbell Cheat Curl for Biceps

Barbell Cheat Curls for maximum Biceps Growth
Barbell Cheat Curls for Biceps (Biceps Mass Builder)

So when it comes to the bicep exercises, guys the number one exercise you have to start with is always going to be a version of a barbell curl. I said a version of a barbell curl because the standard barbell curls is something we can actually get the benefits of in other ways.

To actually take standard barbell curls to another level is the cheat curl. Because of the benefits it provides us. If you are looking for ways on how to get big muscular arms then this exercise serves best in providing you those big muscular arms.

How is it different? Well you see while performing the barbell cheat curls (for biceps) is that you have to allow a little bit of momentum to help you get the weight up but only if you're using weight that's heavier than you're used to. In other words what you can’t concentrically lift.

We're gonna take care of that again I said that, in a different exercise. Here we want to take advantage of the fact that our muscles are stronger eccentrically than they are concentrically.

So we can get that weight up via a little bit of a cheat so that we can overload the eccentric which is a known stimulus for hypertrophy.

Proper Form of Barbell Cheat Curls for Biceps
Correct form of Barbell Cheat Curl for Biceps

Now keep in mind when you go up into the cheat portion, make sure not to break the vertical. What I mean by that is you have this imaginary vertical line behind your body, and you shouldn’t break through it and actually leaning backwards through it.

Because If you do so then you’re taking away a lot of the work off the biceps and put your lower back into a jeopardizing position.

2. Bodyweight Chin-ups For Biceps

Weighted and Bodyweight Chin-ups
Chin-ups (Biceps Mass Builder)

So next up is an exercise that also allows us to do what the barbell curl does and that's progressively overload. But it does so in the form of our own bodyweight.

This will come in handy to all those people who are working out at home and searching for how to get big biceps without weights or how to get bigger biceps at home.

This is the chin up, certainly the best bicep exercise you can do with your own bodyweight, but it's actually one of the exercises period. Because we can add additional weights if we want to to continue to progressively overload the exercise.

This makes it the best biceps workout at home.

But more importantly here, this exercise trains ourselves to utilize the biceps to not just pull ourselves up to the bar but also to control that descent. It's another eccentrically overloaded exercise.

As you get closer to the bar, towards the top of the exercise you can see the engagement of the biceps, and as you go down you can actually lean back just a little bit to accentuate that stretch, to once again make sure that you're getting those eccentric benefits.

Usually the exercise itself in it's body weight form is damn challenging for most people, but if you need, you have that option to add more weight to keep the gains coming and build bigger biceps at home.

3. The Dumbbell Cross Body Curls (Variation of Hammer Curls)

Hammer Curls for Biceps
Cross Body Hammer Curls for Biceps Brachialis

So let's talk about the next one, it's the dumbbell cross body curl and this is going to provide benefits that are different and unique to this exercise that weren't provided from the first two, even though I love those first two exercises.

If you are doing your biceps workout with dumbbells at home then try this variation of Hammer Curls, this is hands down one of the best dumbbell exercises for biceps.

What we're going to do here is, we are going to be able to hit the brachialis more effectively because of the positioning of the dumbbell during this exercise.

The pronated grip here during the exercise is going to allow us to takeaway one of the functions, that the biceps provides which is supination of that forearm and by doing so we're still getting the elbow flexion component of any curl.

And that's gonna be driven more effectively especially if done at slower speeds by the brachialis.

And there's no reason to avoid brachialis development if you want to build your overall upper arms size.

We know that building up the brachialis will thicken the arms, helps us build a wide and bigger sleeve bursting biceps and also contribute to the overall mass of the upper arm because it lies underneath the biceps.

4. The Banded Dumbbell Curls (Resistance Band + Dumbbells)

Banded Dumbbell Curls for Bicep Size
Dumbbell Curls with Resistance Bands for Maximum Biceps Growth

I mentioned that there are other ways that we can curl and there's actually ways we can accentuate the normal curl and that is with the banded dumbbell curl.

So the dumbbell curl gives us the opportunity to do the more strict standard version of the curl where the overload is really focused on the concentric portion of the lift but the additional resistance band here is going to apply a different strength curve.

We know that when we do a regular curl the strength curve looks something like this, it's a little bit easier in the beginning hardest in the middle and then a little easier again as we get towards the top.

Resistance Band Strength Curve vs Dumbbells Strength Curve
Strength Curve: Dumbbells vs Resistance Bands

When we use a resistance band the curve changes dramatically, it starts out pretty easy because there's very little tension on the band and it continues to ramp up as we go all the way up to the top.

It gets to its most tension because the band is stretched to its greatest length.

So if we can overlap the two we can fill in the gaps.

I'm not saying you need to do all of these biceps exercises in every workout but this should certainly make its way into some portion of your overall biceps training approach.

5. The Incline Stretch Curl (Incline Dumbbell Curl Variation)

Incline Dumbbell Stretch Curls - Get Big Arms fast in 30 Days

Incline Bench Dumbbell Curls for Biceps

Alright moving on, if you're going to build your biceps up you have to respect the fact that you don't want to just focus on the sweet spot, in other words the mid-range of all the exercises you're performing.

Because we also want to apply tension to whatever muscle we're trying to build in the other ranges of motion, the other portions of the overall range of motion; meaning in the area where the biceps is going to be most lengthened or stretched.

And in the area where the biceps are going to be most shortened or in the contracted position.

My choice for that stretched position here, is the incline dumbbell curl but I call this the incline stretch curl because there are couple of things we can do to make it even more effective for that goal.

Obviously you're going to use lighter weights here because you're placing your biceps in this stretched position and they're gonna be weaker anyway, but you want to take it to the next level by applying a deeper stretch and you can do that by simply pronating the forearms at the bottom of the curl.

Now remember the incline setup itself is going to take your arm and put it back behind your body into extension and if we realize the full capability of the bicep is not just to supinate and flex the elbow here, but to also flex the shoulder.

Then taking that shoulder down into extension is something that we want to do and adding the additional pronation takes care of that second component as well.

The third thing we can do here is we can actually consciously contract the triceps. When we do that we're going to get a reflexive relaxation of the biceps that's going to enhance that stretch even further.

You perform your incline dumbbell bicep curls in this manner with the main focus being, "I want to provide this tension to the bicep in this elongated position" and it provides yet another unique benefit that the other biceps exercises simply don't.

6. The Incline Waiter Curls (Spider Curls Variation)

Incline Waiter Curls - guy with big arms
Incline Bench Waiter Bicep Curls (Waiter's Curls)

You must know the spider curls for biceps, right? And maybe about Dumbbell waiter curl- holding the dumbbell in a vertical position here with the dumbbell facing flat up towards the ceiling actually allows us to get that peak contraction of the biceps.

Now what you can do is combine the position of the spider curl with the execution of the Dumbbell waiter curl and get an insane bicep exercise with just a single dumbbell. This one again is one of the best "Single Dumbbell Biceps Exercise at Home".

The benefit of this Incline Waiters Curl is, it actually frees the dumbbell up to travel more freely to the top without the legs getting in the way and not having to compromise the benefit that the exercise provides in the first place which is that overload in that peak contracted state.

This one is the best biceps exercise with dumbbells which surely will help provide you those big biceps in 14 days.


  • Increase Biceps / Arms Training Volume
  • Have an Arms Day / Biceps Day
  • Use Fat Grips or train with thick barbells
  • Always train to get the biceps pump
  • Add Variation, try different biceps exercise mention in the post
    1. Barbell Cheat Curls
    2. Hammer Curls
    3. Resistance Band Dumbbell Curls
    4. Incline Stretch Curls
    5. Incline Waiter Curls


So there you have it guys, I have given you the best advice and best biceps exercises that I possibly could, so that you can go sleeveless in 14 days on the beach and flaunt those big 21 inches guns.

Try these exercises out and apply these tips into your biceps / arms day or whatever split you are following, upper-lower, push, pull, leg. Whatever you do just make sure you do it with a purpose to actually get better.

If you follow everything that I preached then I can guarantee you will see a significant growth in your biceps. You certainly will have bigger biceps in 30 days and definitely see some growth along the way as early as 14 days.

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