Bigger Biceps Workout with Dumbbells | Get Big Biceps with this bicep workout routine

Who doesn't want big biceps? It's the standard muscle group that you have to have if you want to look big, muscular and most important Manly.

If you have been searching on the internet for a big bicep workout or how to get a bigger biceps, then your search is over. In this post I am going to share with you some of the best exercises which you can use for your advantage to build bigger biceps and there's one more thing- for doing these bicep exercises you will need dumbbells only.

This dumbbell only bigger biceps workout will sky rocket your bicep growth and if you follow this routine then I can assure you that you will have  bigger biceps in a month.

As you know our bicep has 3 heads-

  1. Long Head
  2. Short Head
  3. Brachialis

In this biceps workout routine we are going to do 3 exercises which are going to hit all three heads of the bicep to get the most amount of growth.

Lifters who use the same exercises will work the muscles the same way over and over again. This is a reason some plateau and can’t seem to get their biceps any bigger, even when lifting heavier weights.  

If this sounds like you or someone you know, chances are better gains can be had with different exercises.

Spider Curls (for Short Head)

Spider curls are good for working the short head of the bicep. This is important because we too often neglect the short head in favor of working the long head. This isn’t always the fault of the lifter, they just simply don’t know the proper way to work the bicep.

To perform spider curls you will need a spider curl bench or a preacher curl bench. If you don’t have access to either, then you can use an adjustable weight bench placed at a 45-degree angle. A Swiss ball, also called a balance, exercise, or stability ball, can also be used.

bicep exercises with dumbbells - spider curls instructions

Spider Curls Instructions:

  1. Position yourself with your torso pressed against the bench, with your chest at the top of the pad.

  2. Hold the barbell or dumbbells in supinated grip (palms facing up) with your hand shoulder-width apart. If you’re using a curl bench, be sure your triceps are in contact with the lower pad support.

  3. Start with your arms fully extended and keep your shoulders down and back. With a slow and controlled motion, curl the barbell up as high as you can.

  4. Once at the top, pause for a second to squeeze the bicep muscle before lowering it back down. Don’t go all the way, instead stop about three-quarters of the way down. This will keep tension on the muscles the entire set.

  5. Maintain an even tempo throughout both phases of the exercise.
  1. Squeeze your bicep at the top of the movement

  2. Keep a rigid torso

  3. Do not allow the weight to hang at the bottom, always keeping the tension on your biceps throughout set.

  4. Use a slow and controlled motion throughout the set.

  5. Keep your wrists straight

Bicep Hammer Curls (for Brachialis)

A cool thing about hammer curls is that they also target your wrists and forearms — not just the biceps — while building grip strength. Moving the weight in a hammering motion forces your muscles to work harder, allowing for better gains.

As we’ve mentioned earlier, the hammer curl is ideal for more advanced lifting techniques like drop sets, supersets, pyramid sets, compound sets, and so on. This can further speed up your progress in the gym and make it easier to reach muscle failure.

For example, you do a set with 10-pound dumbbells followed by one with 15 pounds and then another one with 20 pounds. That’s a good example of pyramid sets.

Since this exercise builds forearm and grip strength, it can boost your physical performance. Not to mention that you’ll achieve a more balanced physique and lower your risk of injury.

bicep exercises with dumbbells - hammer curls instructions

Bicep Hammer Curls Instructions

  1. Stand up straight, with a dumbbell in each hand.

  2. Keep your palms facing your torso and your elbows close to the body.

  3. Curl the weight forward with your right arm while squeezing the biceps until your forearm is vertical.

  4. Make sure your upper arm stays still. Use your forearm to control the movement. Keep your elbow stationary.

  5. Hold for 1-2 seconds and then slowly lower the weight to the starting position.

  6. Repeat with your left arm.

  1. Do not lean back as you move the weight - this is cheating!

  2. Keep your elbows locked in by your sides throughout the set. Don't allow them to come forward as you curl the weight up. Focus on only allowing your forearms to move.

  3. Squeeze and hold at the top of the movement for maximum results.

  4. Keep the rep timing slow and control the weight for the whole set.

Incline Dumbbell Curl (for Long Head)

Incline Dumbbell Curl works on your long head, giving you the bicep peak.

The incline dumbbell curl is a variation of the dumbbell curl and an exercise used to build bigger biceps.

The biceps is a tricky (and fun) muscle to target and putting yourself in various degrees of incline can help manipulate the range of motion for either a tighter contraction or deeper stretch.

The incline dumbbell curl elongates the negative portion of the dumbbell curl, creating a deeper stretch on the biceps muscle tissue.

Dumbbell curl variations are primarily popular among lifters looking to improve their aesthetics as direct arm work will have limited carry over into maximum strength.

bicep exercises with dumbbells - incline dumbbell curls instructions

Incline Dumbbell Curl Instructions

  1. Position an incline bench at roughly 55-65 degrees, select the desired weight from the rack, and sit upright with your back flat against the pad.

  2. Using a supinated (palms up) grip, take a deep breath and curl both dumbbells towards your shoulders.

  3. Once the biceps are fully shortened, slowly lower the weights back to the starting position.

  4. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

  1. Don’t allow the elbows to shift behind the body. Similarly, make sure the shoulder doesn’t shift forward in the socket as you lower the weight.

  2. Maintain a slight bend in the elbow at the bottom of the movement in order to keep tension through the biceps.

  3. Using a slow eccentric (lowering portion) of the exercise can help to improve tension and mind muscle connection

Let's see the workout routine first and then we will talk about it

Bigger Biceps Workout with Dumbbells

1. Incline Dumbbell Curls Hammer Curls - 4 sets of 15 reps

2. Spider Curls + Hammer Curls - 4 sets of 15 reps

Now let's talk about the Workout Routine

This workout routine for biceps is going to be in a super set fashion.
Majority of the people especially men tend to forget about the brachialis muscle and focus mostly on long and short head of the bicep.

That's not a good approach if you want to build big biceps.

Hammer curls hit the brachialis which lies underneath the brachii (Long and Short head of bicep).
As I've mentioned earlier that men tend to forget this muscle group because it is not visible. So, we are hitting this muscle frequently by doing hammer curl exercise as a superset.

Training Brachialis with hammer curls will make the muscle grow and your brachialis will pop out, making your entire bicep look bigger.

You can incorporate this bigger biceps workout routine in your arms day, upper body day or Pull days, it's totally up to you. No matter how you assign this workout into your routine, you sure are going to reap out major benefits from this and get better gains, hence bigger biceps.

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