How can I get bigger arms fast? What are the best exercises to get bigger arms? and why aren't my biceps growing? These are the popular questions on surfing the surface of the internet these days. Seems like every men in this world wants them but a few has the answer to unveil the truth for how to get bigger arms.
Why should you have bigger arms?
Besides aesthetics and attractive look, they have several other functions like-
- Help you lift shopping bags
- With bigger arms you can hold babies for hours
- They look appealing
- Makes you Intimidating
- Help tear t-shirt sleeves effortlessly
- Help you shake hands with your best friend
If you are reading this post then you are lucky because we have curated a complete step by step guide for you to up your arms game and get bigger arms fast in a month.
But before jumping into the ways and techniques to grow your arms first we should look at the reasons, why your arms are not growing?

Reasons why your arms are not growing
Learning what we are doing wrong is quite crucial to improve because unless we know what things are we doing wrong we cannot change them and swap them with correct things.
The same goes with your arms training, if you want to grow your arms then first you must learn the things you might be doing wrong and correct them. This way you will get the most growth of your arms.
Let's look into the reasons for why your arms not growing
1. Not taking Records
Is it an actual thing or are you just not seeing the changes in your body? Because most of the times what happens is our bodies are actually growing but we don't hold a track of how much and from where we are growing.
That's why keeping a record of your progress is imperative, It gives you the insight of your efforts. What things are you doing right, where are you lagging, where are you getting stronger, etc. Doing hard work without keep a track of your progress whatsoever will only be enough to discourage or demotivate you.
So track you progress by clicking pictures of yourself, measuring up with an inch tape and weighing yourself on a weight scale every week. These things will not only keep you on the track but also motivate you do push further.
2. Not getting enough Recovery
Are you getting enough recovery of your muscles? If not then it will be a biggest deterrent to your arms growth.
There are several ways you might be under recover
Our body doesn't run on air, it runs on food, the nutrients from them get converted into different chemical products and gets absorbed into our body.
Yes its a very real thing. If you over train your muscles it will be burned like a burnt steak. Overtraining your muscles could cause an increase in the catabolism (breaking down of muscle tissues) rate which could lead to muscle atrophy (shrinking or wasting away of muscle)
3. Not establishing a proper Mind Muscle Connection
A poor mind muscle connection will waste away most of your efforts to grow your arms. If you can't actually contract and feel your biceps or triceps then you are not going to grow them effectively period.
4. Only Isolating your biceps and triceps
If concentration curls and kickbacks and few other isolating moves are your only exercises for bicep and triceps growth, then you are sabotaging your arms growth.
So now we know the reasons why your arms are not growing. Let's move on with the how to grow your arms section. It's a three way part-
- Nutrition
- Exercise
- Recovery
We are going to look at all three of them so you can get the most from your arm workouts

How to grow your arms
1. Nutrition
Although the right exercises are important for building bigger, stronger arms, you can’t ignore your nutritional needs. To promote muscle growth, you also need to focus on eating the right foods.
If you’re not giving your body the fuel it needs, you may limit the results of your arm-building workouts.
By providing your body with proper nutrition, it will grow period.
You can't just pump up your biceps and expect them to grow, it won't happen like this.
Take an example of a car, if your car has low fuel, can you expect it to take you miles and miles without asking for more fuel. No! right? The same happens with our body we can't just keep cranking reps on hammer curls and expect them to grow without actually feeding the muscle.
If your goal is to grow your arms and build muscle mass then you can't go wrong with this.
Our body needs energy to function and if we train, then we put extra stress on our body which damages our muscle, Our body's primary function is to survive and function properly, it doesn't want to have big biceps or big triceps. So if we are eating low calories, our body will utilize them for breathing or walking or function properly to survive. That's why we have to eat in a caloric surplus, so that we can rebuild the damaged muscle tissues.
Be sure to get enough calories from the foods you eat. If your calorie intake is too low, you likely won’t see results with your arm-building workouts. Try to get your calorie needs met with healthy sources of carbohydrates, protein, and fat, as well as from fresh fruits and vegetables.
Protein is the building block of your muscles. Therefore, eating adequate amounts of protein helps you maintain your muscle mass and promotes muscle growth when you do strength training. Numerous studies show that eating plenty of protein can help increase muscle mass and strength.
When we workout our muscles go through the stress and gets damaged. This damage can cause thousands of micro tears, to refill these micro tears we need protein which after consumption gets converted into amino acids which gets absorbed into our muscle cell and promotes recovery. That way you refill the micro tears and grow your muscle.
Aim to consume 0.8 to 1 grams of protein per pound of body weight to grow your arms or muscles.
People majorly focus on macronutrients, i.e. Protein, Carbs and Fats and easily forget the most important part "Micronutrients". Most people are deprived of many essential vitamins and minerals which are conducive for healthy living and muscle growth.
These vitamins and minerals helps us to better absorb the food that we consume.
If we absorb and digest food much effectively then we would be able to grow our muscle much faster and efficiently.

2. Exercise
a) Focus on Triceps to build arm size
Yes you heard me right.. Most people make this mistake, they see biceps as the only arms muscle and do hundreds of bicep curls in hopes of getting bigger arms. But if you look closely then triceps are the one which makes 2/3 of our arms. Triceps majorly contributes to the arm size. So focusing on triceps will allow them to grow more and make our arm look bigger.
Best Exercise for triceps are-
- Close grip bench press
- Lying skull crushers
- Triceps pushdowns
- Diamond Pushups
b) Get stronger in other Big Lifts
c) Isolating at the very end
In the beginning of our workout we are the most strongest, so we should focus on heavy lifts for our arms such as-
- Barbell Curls for biceps: We can easily overload our biceps by putting heavy plates on the sides of the bar and get the most muscle damage in less time
- Lying Triceps Extensions for Triceps: Again we are using a barbell, on which we can easily get a overload and push our muscle strength for better growth.
d) Muscle Activation is the key to grow your arms
- Pick any light dumbbell
- Do 30-40 reps of bicep curl and tricep extension
- Keep in mind you have to do the middle part of the movement
- Do only 1/4 reps
- Do 2 sets
e) Go beyond failure
f) Hit all the heads of Biceps and Triceps
- Bicep Brachii (the short head and the long head)
- Bicep Brachialis
- Long Head
- Lateral Head
- Medial head
- Long Head: Incline Bicep curls, Bayesian curls, concentration curls
- Short Head: Preacher Curls, Spider curls
- Long Head: Triceps extensions
- Lateral Head: Triceps push down
- Medial Head: Close grip bench press
g) Occlusion training
h) Intensity

3. Recovery
a) Sleep is important for building muscles
b) Stretch your arms to grow them
c) Don't Overtrain your arms