Xolo Maridueña Workout Routine : Train Like Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai, Netflix's blockbuster show revolves around the story of an old school karate kid movie antagonist "Johnny Lawrence" (portrayed by William Zabka), but the show would not be a huge success without it's young star cast.

One of the major character in the series Cobra Kai is Miguel Diaz which is played by Xolo Maridueñ who finds himself in the exact same position as The Original Karate Kid Movie protagonist, Daniel LaRusso.

He is the underdog who finds his way to hustle forward by learning karate and be one of the greatest karate fighter.

The workout which Xolo Maridueña did to get ready for the cobra kai is majorly focused on lower body training because as a karate fighter you need a lot of lower body strength so to kick out your opponent effortlessly.

But if you want to build muscle mass and carve your mirror muscles like biceps, chest, shoulders then this might not be something which you would want to follow.

Remember these actors have some purpose behind their training, that's why they train a certain way. Xolo Maridueña trained like because it was the demand for the character. If you want to build up your athleticism or simply improve your martail arts training then you can try this routine.

Xolo Maridueña Cobra Kai Workout Routine

In an Interview Xolo's Trainer told what his workout consisted of during the shoot for Cobra Kai

His Workout consisted of some cardio, the weight training, and finally, the stretching.

Let's see what it takes to be a karate kid.

The workout starts off form developing some lower body strength. the stronger your legs are, the more you can do the higher your kicks and the more stamina you have on your legs.

  • Goblet Squat

    3 sets of 15 reps

Keep working on that lower body strength, building up the hips and hamstrings. Still getting that power for the good kicks. The reason why the deadlift is so important is because the stronger your hips are the stronger your kicks can be and also it gives you a nice booty to fall on too.
  • Romanian Deadlifts with Dumbbells

    3sets of 15 reps

So next up is the explosive pushup. These explosive pushups, really helps you get those nice explosive punches.

Pushups are a great, they help build up, not just strength in the chest, but also working on that speed. Same as a regular pushup, you're just gonna go fast on the way up so that you come up off the ground just a little bit.

  • Explosive Pushups

    3 sets of 15 reps

So move on to the ropes. Getting those arms pumping and keeping that heart rate coming up.

You can use it as a form of cardio but also to strengthening the arms, getting those biceps pumped a little bit. This is definitely one where you want everything to be tight during the whole time. Your abs to arms and legs.

  • Battle Ropes

    3 sets of 30 seconds

The workout doesn't solely focus on building up the strength but also the agility. So the muscles get bigger and generate maximum power.

So that you can move faster, quicker, and again, just to make it look good on camera.

  • Med Ball Knee Strikes

    3 sets of 15 seconds


So finally, the butterfly stretch, and this is really gonna help that like inner hips/groin area stretch.

When you need to get those sidekicks or roundhouse kicks, the biggest problem usually is that your hips are too tight. So this one right here, is the key to get flexibly and delivering more powerful kicks.

  • Butterfly Stretch

Well as I've already discussed above that if you want to build muscle mass and look more aesthetic then you shouldn't carry on with above workout.

But don't become hopeless, as I' have got something for you. I curated a Workout Routine Inspired by Xolo Maridueña Workout Routine from the Cobra Kai series.

I created this workout keeping everything into consideration, all his training aspects.

Xolo Maridueña Workout Routine inspired by The Cobra Kai series

It's a total body workout routine done 3 times in a week, every other day.


Strength Training
  1. Barbell Back Squats
  2. Db Rowing + Face Pulls
  3. Db Bench Press
  4. Front Raise + Side Raise
  5. Preacher Curls
  6. Standing Db Triceps Extensions
  1. Burpees
  2. Jump Ropes Moderate Pace




Strength Training
  1. Weighted Chin-ups
  2. Incline Barbell Bench Press
  3. Db Lunges + Db Goblet Squats
  4. Db Overhead Press
  5. Incline Bicep Curls
  6. Triceps Pushdowns
  1. Battle Ropes
  2. High Knees






Strength Training
  1. Conventional Deadlifts
  2. Dips + Low to High Cable Crossovers
  3. Seated V-Bar Cable Rowing
  4. Front Raise + Side Raise
  5. Barbell Bicep Curls
  6. Lying Barbell Triceps Extensions
  1. Burpees to high Jump


This workout will not only build up your strength and muscle mass but also make your more agile and functional.
This workout routine has covered all the aspects of athleticism so that you don't miss any opportunity to train like an athlete.

You can give this workout a try and get those gains coming

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