Fat Loss Tips that actually works (NO BULLSH*T)

 So for like how many times have you been to this Fat Loss journey of yours and failed miserably?

A hundred? A thousand? A million times? Well to be honest you had and will keep failing miserably if you move on to a surge too soon and too drastically period.

As per my personal experience i'd been there, i used to go on for these crash diets, starvation mode, crazy workout plans which had me crunching and jumping for hours but everything was counter-intuitive to my goal of looking good which i believe to be the universal goal of every individual.

Okay enough with the preaching, let's get directly to the point.


Below are the Top 5 tips for start melting that Fat FAST

#2 and #3 works like MAGIC!

1. Control your Calories

Okay! Okay! i know as cliché as it might sound but the truth is you cannot get away with that. In order to shed some pounds you have to keep your calories in check. Below is the Calorie Calculator, Enter your details and whatever your maintenance calories come just try to cut down about 250-400 calories/day.



Note: Don't try to cut your calories way too fast, just keep things simple.

2. Avoid Artificial / Hidden Sugars and Replace it with Natural ones

So now you've taken your first step to your "Getting Fit" journey. Now you have to take into consideration what to eat and what to avoid.

Sugar is one of the biggest deterrent to your fat loss as it spikes insulin level which will hinder in our fat loss. So avoid it where possible and try to have a minimal consumption of it throughout your day.

You can definitely go for more natural options like Honey, Jaggery, Maple Syrup and so on.

Don't fall for the "no added sugars" on a morning cereal, chocolates, cookies label, just take a look behind the packet and find if it has any hidden sugars in ingredients list.

Most common names for sugar used in our daily consumption things:

  • Dextrose
  • Fructose
  • Galactose
  • Glucose
  • Lactose
  • Maltose
  • Sucrose
  • Corn syrup
  • Agave nector
  • Barley malt
  • Maltodextrin
Avoid the above listed Sugars at any cost if you want to get lean and fit

Note: Try to have more of fresh foods instead of those packaged ones.

3. Have Fibrous / Leafy Green Vegetables

I think that the title speaks for itself, right!?

What else can i add. Just try to have more greens in your day

I cannot stress it enough. "EAT YOUR VEGETABLES". Please trust me blindly for this one and you will be thanking me one day.

4. Exercise

With Food your are giving your body right fuel to shed some pounds and keeping your energy levels up. Now top it up with a good workout routine so that you can manifest that desired look that you are striving for.


Nutrition = Loose pounds

Workout = Tones you up for a better look

Do a combination of HIIT and strength training as it is the best way to tone your loose pounds up. One thing you have to be abstained from is long walks on a treadmill.

5. Recovery

So you had a great training session and fueled your body with some nutrition dense food now what? Sleep is as important as your nutrition and exercise is, so don't underestimate its importance.

It's clear that sleep is important for losing weight. A lack of sleep can increase appetite by changing hormones, makes us more likely to eat unhealthy foods, and influences how body fat is lost while cutting our calories.

So keep your Sleep and Stress levels in check.

So here it is, my top 5 picks for weight loss. Obviously i didn't add up the basics like drink plenty of water, have more protein, avoid junk, fried food. I mean you must have heard it a millions of times and i know you are smart enough. The 5's that i added are the most useful but the most underrated tips, people tend to ignore the importance of them. So don't be like everyone else and get your results fast.

Good Luck!

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