Shoulder Workout at the Gym | Grow Bigger Shoulders in 8 weeks

If you are looking for a workout which will grow your shoulders like crazy then follow this workout routine down below and get those boulder shoulders in just 8 weeks.

Shoulders are one of the silhouette muscle that make us look more aesthetic and wide.

If the shoulder muscles are well developed then they would make you look more bigger and bolder instantly, it makes you fit more into the t-shirt that you are wearing.

If you have been doing those same old shoulder workout and seeing no result at all then it's time to change up the way you hit those muscles and start doing something which works.

Luckily for you I have come up with a science based shoulder workout which will hit your shoulder muscles from all the angles and make them grow bigger and stronger.

A shoulder is a muscle which consists of three different heads-
  • Anterior Deltoid
  • Lateral Deltoid
  • Rear Deltoid

Together they make up the complete delt or deltoid.
If you want to maximize the shoulder growth then you have got to hit all three heads.

In this workout routine we are going to hit all three head in a most effective way so to maximize the growth of these muscle groups.

So without any further delay, Let's Begin


Shoulder Workout at the Gym

Exercise 1

Standing Overhead Press - 4 sets x 8 reps

Starting off with our first exercise which is going to hit all three heads of our shoulders. It's the Standing Overhead Press. As we are strong in the beginning of the exercise so go heavy on this one maintaining that proper form, don't arch your back too much.

Exercise 2

Seated Overhead Press (w/ one hand at hold in the middle) - 4 sets x 12 reps

Second we will do the seating shoulder presses or overhead press, but there is twist in that and that is in the way it will be performed.

Start off in the regular seating shoulder pressing position, we will work with one hand at a time and the other hand will remain still in the middle; holding the dumbbell in that middle portion of that rep.
When you are done with one hand, place that hand in that same position as your other hand was in; in the middle portion of the rep.

This will make the shoulder work both concentrically and eccentrically with isometrically, hence maximizing the growth.
Go a little lighter side in terms of weights, as you will get a good burn after couple of reps.

Exercise 3

a. Dumbbell Lateral Raise - 3 sets x 15 reps
b. Cable Isometric Lateral Holds - 3 sets x failure

Moving further with our third exercise we will hit our lateral head of the shoulder. It's going to be in a superset fashion.

First we will do some lateral raise with dumbbells and then we will move on to the cable station and do the cable isometric holds with both hands at the same time.

Stand up to the middle of the cable station and pick the either handles with the opposite hands and replicate the lateral raise motion and hold that pose at the very top, for as long as you can maintaining a proper form.

Exercise 4

a. Reverse Butterfly - 4 sets x 12 reps
b. Face Pulls - 4 sets x 12 reps

Moving on with the fourth exercise, we will hit our rear deltoid.
It's the most forgotten muscle of shoulders, people generally miss this one out because they can't see this as it resides on the back of our shoulder. But this muscle will give our shoulder that complete roundness and make them look more bigger.

This one again is also going to be done in a superset fashion. Starting off we will do a reverse butterfly on a pec deck machine and later we will again go to that cable station and crank out reps on the face pull exercise. Remember to externally rotate your shoulders when doing the concentric part of the face pulls, to maximize pressure on rear delts.

So there you have it guys your complete science based shoulder workout which you can do at the gym to grow your shoulders. This workout should be done in that 30 - 40 minute time range, which is enough time to train your muscles.

Do this workout for 8 weeks and you will surely get some results.

In the mean time if you want any other workout routine then check these posts out-

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