How to burn fat fast for Women | Lose fat from Thighs, Hips and arms (Fat loss food and exercise)

Before getting into how to loose fat from armshow to get rid of those muffin tops and how to loose fat on your hips, first we should know about where do women store body fat in general.

See it's a bit different then in men, men tends to put on body fat at some different places and women at others. But this post is addressing women and females more specifically, so lets talk about the fat storing places in women first.

Major Fat Storing Places in Women:

  1. Arms
  2. Buttocks
  3. Thighs
  4. Calves
Women have more Subcutaneous fat. It's the jiggly fat visible just under the skin. Subcutaneous fat is normally harmless and may even protect against some diseases. But the over accumulation of this fat may lead to that dimple appearance of the skin and lead to the Cellulite problem. If you want to know more about Cellulite and how to get rid of it, then check this post out - How to get rid of Cellulite in just 4 simple steps

Why Women store fat at such places?

Female body is designed to store fat at such places, there's a purpose for all of this. You cannot get rid of the fat from theses places completely because-

a) You will be fighting your own body makeup.
b) If you strive for that, then you would look extremely unhealthy.

It's due to the chemical build-up. Women tend to be more estrogenic then men.
Both men and women have testosterone (predominant male sex hormone) and estrogen (predominant female sex hormone), but women have estrogen in a much abundance then men.

In women, excessive amount of estrogen makes such fat deposits and create all these problem areas.

Now lets talk about how to get rid of these problem area

How to loose fat for women

1. Nutrition

See no matter how much you would wanna run away from this but seriously you've got to fix your nutrition first. I am not trying to run you away by saying this, but let me give you a hope and a different approach to this.
See, it's not that difficult what you have to do is- you have to be in a caloric deficit (consuming less calories then you burn). Okay, so how are you going to do that?

Take little steps at a time; calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) and minus 250 calories (that's basically half a bag of chips) from that for the initial week and from thereafter consume 150 calories less after every week. If you approach it in this manner then it will be less intimidating and more feasible. And by the end of 4 weeks you would have a major deficit solely by the nutrition.

2. Training

If you are looking for ways to lose fat without exercise or reduce hip size in 2 weeks then stop reading this, because it ain't gonna happen. You've got to put in some effort in order to achieve something.

Instead of those long walks on the treadmill, you need to train your muscles by doing Strength 
training. No, lifting weights are not going to make you bulkier! If you follow the above tip and keep a track of your nutrition then you would be loosing a ton of fat and toning those muscles underneath that fat. That way your curves will be more conspicuous and you can flaunt them.

Combining strength training with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) will make your fat loss journey much more easier and effective.

Some of the best HIIT Training examples are
  • Sprinting
  • Burpees
  • Skipping

With nutrition you were already in a major deficit for a month and now adding the calories you burn from workout, you will be having a crazy amount of calories burn and by the end of 30-60 days you would be a complete different person then you were in the beginning.

Foods to add in your diet to loose weight fast

Remember couple of scrolls above I said about excessive estrogen production and fat storage. Well these foods will help you counter that and eventually help you to loose those excess pounds and belly fat.

1. Ginger

Ginger contains compounds called
shogaols and gingerols. These two compounds stimulate biological activities when consumed and hence helps you to loose weight.
Ginger also has a significant effect on the hip to waist ratio. Gingerols in ginger also stabilize blood sugar levels.

2. Grapes

They serve as a natural source of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that might also have some 
weight loss benefits, and they also offer a small amount of satiating fiber
Here we're looking at things that can act on estrogen and trying to control the amount of estrogen we have in our bodies.

3. Cruciferous Vegetables

Add in green leafy vegetables such as- Kale, Cauliflower, Broccoli, etc.
These cruciferous vegetables will have that counter acting effect on the excessive estrogen production. Moreover you will get fibers out of these which will keep you full for longer period of time hence less calories intake and more fat loss.

See all of these small things have a contribution for you goal achievement.
All of the above things are working in a synergy to help you loose weight.

Try the above discussed tips and lose 2 inches off your hips not in 3 days but definitely a lot faster then just doing nothing

For more fat loss tips check this post 5 weight loss tips that actually works

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