How to get rid of Cellulite on thighs and bum naturally in just 4 Simple Steps | Diet & Exercises for Cellulite reduction

Hey Everyone! In this Post we're going to talk about how to get rid of cellulite on thighs and bum naturally.
The stuff that's on the side of your hip and your butt, the stuff that you hate. Yeah! Cellulite.

What is Cellulite?

How to get rid of Cellulite on thighs and bum naturally
Normally you have the skin, you have this outer connective tissue called fascia- right underneath the skin that keeps everything held together it's like wrap, and then you have a fat layer having little fat cells underneath. Beneath that you have the muscle (as shown in the figure above).

So you have all these layers, what happens in cellulite is you have an enlargement of the fat cells, the fat cells get bigger; they fill up with fat and then you get an over-stretched fascia.

This spider-web thing (fascia) is supposed to hold these fat cells but instead they bulges out giving a dimple effect.

Then underneath it you have atrophied muscle which makes the whole thing kind of jiggly and hang off the body. So with the combination of atrophied muscle, fat cell enlargement and broken-down fascia you get Cellulite.

When do you get Cellulite?

  • If you had a pregnancy- you basically gained a lot of weight and then lost a lot of weight.

  •  If you diet & loose a lot of weight, you're eventually gonna get cellulite because you're creating this over stretching of your fascia.

  • This could be due to Hormonal shift- you're maybe more inactive and everything just starts going downhill.

How to Get Rid off Cellulite Naturally

Before getting started, I expect all of you to know these prerequisites because they will work as a conduit to get rid of cellulite and have sexy legs and hips eventually.

  1. Be in a Caloric deficit (Burn more calories then you consume)
  2. Get Adequate amount sleep
  3. Exercise daily
  4. Eat a protein rich diet
  5. Have balanced Macros (Protein, Fats & Carbs)

1. Lower Insulin

We want to shrink the fat cell, we need to get the fat out. When you lose weight, when you lose fat you're not getting rid of the fat cell. You're just shrinking them, you can't get rid of your fat cell. You're just making them smaller, so to do that you have to deal with the main hormone that controls how much fat goes in there and that's insulin. You have to lower insulin. You cannot fix cellulite without lowering insulin first.

Ways to Lower Insulin

  1. Follow a Low-Carb Diet
  2. Take Apple Cider Vinegar
  3. Watch Portion Sizes
  4. Avoid All Forms of Sugar, If you can't then replace them with natural sugars
  5. Add Cinnamon to Foods and Beverages
  6. Stay Away From Refined Carbs
  7. Avoid Sedentary Behavior
Protein and Carbs are conducive to increase insulin levels. I am not against protein powders, all I am saying is that when you have a protein shake or any protein meal just add in some good fats in it. Fats buffer the insulin spike.

2. Tighten up the Fascia

Fascia is controlled by hormones specifically Growth hormone.

Growth hormone is the anti-aging hormone that is involved with all proteins in the body not just the hair, skin & nails. 

If you try to lose weight unhealthily you are never gonna fix the growth hormone factor and you end up never getting rid of Cellulite.

Ways to Increase Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

  1. Lose body fat
  2. Fast intermittently
  3. Exercise at a high intensity

High Intesity Exercise

Yes! you have to do some type of exercise. There's no way around it, you have to physically move those muscles in there to activate it.

Combination of a High Intensity Interval Training with Total Body Workout works best.

Some of the best Exercises are-

  1. Squats
  2. Deadlifts
  3. Step up
  4. Glute bridge
  5. Jumping lunges
  6. Walking lunge
  7. Glute Extensions

3. Decrease Cortisol levels (Reduce Stress)


Cortisol is very destructive on the muscles, so more cortisol from stress will just prevent everything from working; it keeps the insulin high it keeps growth hormone down so we really want to handle this.

Basically you have to cut the stress out and increase the sleep, also vitamin D, get sun if you can. More the sun better it will be.

Walking will also lower cortisol. So if you don't do the high-intensity exercises then just go for a walk.

4. Lower Estrogen

Decrease the production of excess Estrogen

Cruciferous Vegetables

Have cruciferous vegetables such as-

  1. Broccoli
  2. Cabbage
  3. Cauliflower
  4. Kale
  5. Mushrooms
  6. Flax Seeds
  7. Red Grapes
  8. Whole Grains

It's a major problem that's been there chronically and it might take some time to go away so don't fall for those 1 week Cellulite reduction remedies and exercises trap.
Cellulite will take some time to go away but you will definitely see some results along the way.

Taking Pictures of yours could be a handy practice, doing so you will be having an exact visualization of how you are tackling this problem and how you're getting better.

So There is it. Your complete plan to get rid of Cellulite.

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