Gain Muscle at home in six weeks | no equipment needed

If you wanna build muscle in just 6 weeks and you're looking for a home workout routine which serves you the quickest results in the best possible way then keep scrolling, you have come at the right place.

A lot many times you have heard, "to build muscles, you need to hit the gym and lift weights".
Lemme clear out all these myths for you in just one sentence.
NO! you don't necessarily need to go to the gym or let alone lift weights to get stronger and build more muscles period.

How can I build muscle, or add more muscle mass in my frame without having to go to the gym or lift any sort of weight?This is one of the most searched question in fitness industry among teens and adults alike.
And I get it, most of the teens don't have enough money to spend in a costly gym membership, or maybe some of you might like to workout at home purely with your own body weight.

To build muscle at home without any weights or using any equipment at all, you need to take care of couple of things like:
  1. Progressive Overload
  2. Rest and Recovery
  3. Right Nutrition
  4. Using your surroundings at home
Remember you're working out at home and without any equipment at all. So you have to leverage all that you have around you. Your surrounding is your biggest equipment.

Home Workout to build muscle in 6 weeks - without equipment

Before giving out the workout plan, I just want to clear that you're not gonna look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in 6 weeks from now. However you will see some noticeable changes in your body aesthetics, strength levels and endurance.

Consider these 6 weeks as stepping stones which will lead you to build more muscle down the road.

If you're struggling to put on muscle mass I can assure you this home workout will transform you from being a skinny to a muscular guy.

I can guarantee if you follow this home workout routine consistently for 6 weeks you'll see the results which will not disappoint you.

Let's talk about why this home workout routine is so effective?

The question shouldn't be "Can you build muscle at home without using any equipment with just your own bodyweight?" The question should be "Do I really  wanna build muscle and get stronger?"

If you're the later one then no matter if you're training at home or at the gym, with weights or without weights. You'll build muscle and get stronger, but you have to put in the intensity in your workout and leverage what you have to get into the best possible shape of your life.

The reason why this workout works so well is because of the components I discussed above are all added in it.

I have curated the best exercises in this home workout plan for the week, so that you don't have to figure it all out and just do the workout and build bigger and stronger muscles.

This home workout is a complete gym replacing workout. It will help you increase muscle mass, builds strength and look jacked in a matter of weeks.

Our muscles don't know whether you're in the gym or at home. Whether you're lifting 220 pounds or not. They just respond to the amount of stress they're being subjected to. And this is exactly what we will aim for in this home workout.

We are not using any equipment but only our own body weight so we will utilize few techniques:
  1. Time Under Tension
  2. Intensity
  3. Workout Volume & Density
Without further ado let's dive right into the workout.

Frequency of this home workout routine

Monday: Chest and Triceps

Tuesday: Back and Biceps

Wednesday: Legs and Shoulders

Thursday: Rest

Friday: Upper Body

Saturday: Legs and Shoulders

Sunday: Rest

Yes! we are working out 5 days and hitting each muscle twice a week to get the most amount of benefit in a short period of time.

You can throw in some Abs workout here and there if you want to. But for the reminder, bodyweight workout trains your core also while performing any exercise.


Chest and Triceps Workout at home without equipment

3b. Chest Squeeze

It's just like doing the cable crossover in the gym but without the cable machine.

Extend your hands out to your side and bring them together in front of you. Squeeze really hard, keeping the tension on your chest at all time and hold this pose for 20-30 seconds. To go even beyond, you can cross your arms and it will give you the optimum contraction you need to grow your chest.

This exercise works on your peck muscle isometrically.

BACK AND BICEPS WORKOUT at Home (No Equipment)

Back and Biceps Workout at home without equipment

1. Pull-ups + Chin-ups

If you don't have a chin-up bar then you can still perform this exercise on a door frame. Be creative.

You don't have to do them in a superset fashion, but think of these two as an alternate set fashion.
First set do pull-ups, second set do chin-ups, third again of pull-ups, fourth chin-up and so on.

Don't count the number of sets you take to do these two exercises, but track your time for doing so.
Try to complete these exercises in within your previous time limit or even less than that.

2. Sliding Lat Pulldown

Get on the floor in a kneeling position. Place a piece of cloth under your knees.
Now put your hands out in front of you (Shoulder width apart). Keep those hands firmly planted.

Squeeze and pull your lower body up using your lats. As you reach the contraction, slide your knees down again and repeat.

This is the best at home back exercise you can do with your own body weight on the floor.
It has the same exact dynamics as of lat pulldown done in the gym. If you know how to do a lat pulldown then you are gonna love this bodyweight back exercise and grow your lats.

4. Doorway Bicep Curls

Stand in a doorway with your feet close to the bottom of the door, grasp your doorframe with one of your hand.

Extend your arm (which is gripping the doorframe) and lean back, then pull the door frame to come back up. Repeat this movement for reps and then change your hand and repeat.

When pulling yourself up, focus on your bicep muscle; try to pull solely from the bicep, this way you are really going to fire up your biceps.

5. 90° Chin-up Hold

Go to that chin-up bar or door frame, and get into the chin-up position and lift yourself off the floor and hold the chin-up position (in a 90 degree angle) for 20-30 seconds.

This will work your biceps isometrically. Giving you bigger biceps with your own bodyweight and without using any equipment at all.

4th and 5th are the best bodyweight no equipment bicep workout.


Legs and Shoulders workout at home without equipment

1a. Regular Squats

Don't rush into cranking out the reps as fast as possible. A lot of people do this mistake while doing the bodyweight squats and don't see any results.

Do the squats just as you regularly do but here's the tweak.

When you're at the bottom position of the squat, try to slowly move up pushing the heel into the ground feeling every muscle in your leg or thigh. And when you're about to reach the top, don't lockout your knees or straighten your leg.
Basically don't stand up straight. Keep the tension in your quads all through the movement.

Trust me by doing bodyweight squats like this you will fire up your quads 10 times more then you would with weights.

3. Single Leg RDL's (Romanian Deadlifts)

This one really fires up your hamstring. To do this, Stand up straight lift your one leg off the ground and pull it backwards as if you are kicking someone behind you.

Bend your upper body down to the point you feel stretch in your leg which is straight (planted on the ground). 

When bending down make sure you are not slouching your back. Keeping your other leg straight with a slight bend, just to feel the stretch in it.
Get back up by squeezing your leg that is straight and repeat with other leg, and keep doing it in an alternative leg style.

UPPER BODY WORKOUT at Home (No Equipment)

Upper Body Workout at home without equipment

2. Hannibal Pushups

The basic idea behind including this variation of pushup into the workout routine is because of its explosive component.

If you can't perform these then you can do explosive pushups, or even regular pushups will suffice. But I would highly recommend to add any explosive pushup variation into the workout.

3b. Doorframe Face pulls 

Stand in doorway place your feet a little in front of you and hook your elbows (Bent in a 90° angle) on the front side of doorframe.

Now Drop your body behind and pull yourself back up by pulling from your rear delts.
Remember to externally rotate your shoulders while pulling your self back up. Repeat.

This will fire up your whole upper back including traps (Lower and upper), along with your rear delts, which are responsible for that complete 3d shoulders look.

5a. Bagpack Bicep Curls
5b. Bagpack Hammer Curls

In both the curls (Regular and Hammer Grip), you're using limited weight as per the bag's capacity by filling it up with books or water bottle. If that's enough weight for you then good.

However if the weight seems light for you then you can utilize the technique time under tension to make the curl even harder for you. Just curl the bag up and down slowly. Making the concentric and eccentric part of the curl harder.

You'll be surprised by, how less reps you can do with just that little weight in your bag pack.

Who says you can't get an effective workout for the biceps and get them bigger if you're working out at home. Try this exercise combination and grow your bicep fast and that too, at home.


Legs and Shoulders Workout 2 at home without equipment

3. Body Weight Swings

Its just like kettlebell swings but without kettlebell, if that makes sense to you!

This one will also hit your glutes and hamstring muscles, making them bigger and stronger.

So stand up straight, feet little wider then shoulder width apart and hands straight down (Pronated) in front of you.
Move your hands up to the height of your face, and bring them down in an arch.

While moving them down, hinge your hip and get your hands under your crotch.
Now with full explosivity extended your back by squeezing your glutes and hamstrings.
That's your bodyweight swings. Remember, don't hyperextend your lower-back.


Remember if you wanna build muscle then you have got to stick to a good workout program along with a healthy and balanced nutrition or diet plan.
Muscle building is a process and like any other process it also takes time.

So don't rush into it. Follow these exercises given in the above 6 weeks muscle building home workout plan without equipment. And I promise you'll start to see the changes in your body in a matter of weeks.

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