Barbell or dumbbells are not required to build a massive chest. If you know how to make use of whatever little equipment you have, then you are good.

If you want a great chest workout at home using resistance band as the only piece of equipment, then I have got you covered. Down below you will find the best chest workout routine by using bands to build a bigger chest.

If your Gym is closed of maybe you like to workout at home, I promise that by the end of this post you will be getting a huge pump and will grow a bigger chest just in a matter of weeks.

If you don't have a resistance band then, you can check this one out.
It's very affordable and can give up a resistance of 7-15 kg max.
It's a decent band if you are a beginner, moreover it's quite good for home workouts. You will get a decent pump out of this, I promise.

If you want something challenging and want to have an even greater pump then I would highly recommend checking this one out. It will give you a resistance of 18 - 36 kg max.

Or you could buy both of them and can use pushing exercise with the heavy one or make use of light one in an isolation exercise.


5 Best Home Chest Exercises: Resistance Bands Chest Workout


Okay so our first exercise is going to be a tri-set, including 3 exercise back to back. 

Starting off with the classic pushups guys but we are using resistance band here.
Wrap a resistance band around your shoulder blades, hooking them with your hands. Now perform the reps as you do. This will be equivalent to the flat barbell bench press.

Once you get to the failure with resistance band pushups, then quickly lose the resistance band and start doing Hand Release Pushups with just your body weight only.
Get to the regular pushup position and go down as you usually do, and come back up with full explosivity; release your hands off the ground.

This will train your chest in an explosive manner, and help it to grow faster.

After this, get into a decline pushup position by placing your feet on an inclined surface and place your hands wide apart (fingers facing outwards). Now hold yourself into that position for as long as you can. This will train your inner chest; replicating the adduction movement, but this time in an isometric manner.

1a. Resistance Band Pushups
1b. Hand Release Pushups
1c. Decline Pushup Hold (Wide Grip)

Do 4 sets of the above tri-set till failure.


Moving on to the next exercise and in this one we will be hitting our lower chest. If you have a saggy chest or man boob problem, then training your lower chest becomes crucial, and this lower chest exercises will help you develop that lower chest muscle.

Wrap the resistance band around you upper back, and hook it to your hands. Now Move to a set of chairs and use them as a dip station, and crank out reps in Resistance Band Dips exercise. You can also do this on a kitchen countertop.

Once you get to the failure, go on to the second exercise of this super set.

Hook the resistance band on a height, so that you can replicate a low to high cable crossover movement. Do the cable crossover using resistance bands, one side at a time. As you reach at the end of the movement, try to go beyond central axis and squeeze as hard as you possibly can.

2a. Resistance Band Chair Dips
2b. Crossovers (Low to High)

Do 3 sets of the above super-set till failure.


Okay so moving on to our third exercise and it is going to be for our upper chest.
We will be doing an Incline Band Press, this move is going to replicate Incline Dumbbell Bench Press movement, but only this time we are doing it standing.

Hook the band on a low point and take the band in one hand and start pressing off in the incline direction (45 degree).

3. Incline Band Press

Do 3 sets till failure.


Our fourth exercise will also also be for our upper chest, and it's the banded pull-over.

Hook the band to a point close to the ground, and lay down on the ground. Now hold the band, but there's a little tweak in how you hold the band; internally rotate your hands and touch the back side of your palms to each other.

Now lay down and grip the band and replicate the pull over movement, actively squeeze from your chest and get the band over your body, above or little bit below your chest line.

4. Banded Pull-over

Do 3 sets till failure.


Okay guys, now moving on to our final exercise and it is going to be Band Flys.
We will train our chest adductors with this one.

Hook the band to the level of your chest, or if you can't find it then you can hook it on a lower point and get to the kneeling position, either way will work.

Step away a little bit as to create tension in the band. Now adduct your chest muscle and come all the way to the middle, replicating the cable crossover movement.

5. Band Flys

Do 3 sets till failure.


So there you have it guys your complete home chest workout routine with resistance bands. Try these 5 best chest exercises to build a Bigger Chest at home and get the gains coming.

Tell me your opinion on this home chest workout, was it good or bad? Let me know in the comments section below.