Natural ways to Boost your Testosterone Levels

Boost your testosterone levels naturally

Testosterone is a prominent male sex hormone that plays a crucial roles in the body.

It regulates the sex drive, bone mass, distribution of fat in the male body.

It also builds up muscle mass and strength, and is also responsible for the production of red blood cells and sperm.

Testosterone helps our body to burn fat more efficiently, and the list goes on and on and on.

Keeping all these facts about testosterone, you can make out how important this hormone (testosterone) is.

When it comes to building muscle mass and strength, Testosterone is the number one determining factor of, if you would achieve a great muscle mass or not.

Let’s talk about the seven ways that you can boost your testosterone. There are natural things you can do if you want to increase your testosterone levels.


1. Increase your Cholesterol

The first thing is to make sure you do not lower your cholesterol; you want to increase your cholesterol. Do not go on a low fat diet, why? Because cholesterol is the precursor, the building blocks that help make testosterone. Don't go low on the cholesterol if you want high testosterone.

2. Eat Moderate Protein

A myth is that you need a lot of protein to stimulate your testosterone. No! You need a moderate amount, now what's a moderate amount? Well I’d say about between (0.8-1.0) grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.

You just want to avoid too much protein, if you consume too much protein you are going to get tired and the reason why you're going to get tired is that-

Half of it (the protein) will easily be turned into glucose because your body doesn’t necessarily use amino acids as a fuel. It has to be converted into glucose first to be used as fuel. So that excess amount of insulin that's triggered by the glucose is going to block your testosterone.

3. Reduce Sugars, Junk and Processed Food

You want to cut on your junk and sugary foods because sugars are simple carbs which increases the insulin. So if we keep our insulin low we can enhance testosterone and other beneficial hormones like growth hormone.

4. Exercise

Exercise will stimulate testosterone, if it's high intensity interval training or exercise involving the whole body to the point where you're sweating but not over training is good.

But the problem is if you're not recovering properly by giving your body the right amount of foods and nutrients then you don't want to do that, because it's going to strain your heart, and it will be counterproductive to your goal, which is increasing testosterone levels.

5. Sleep

Sleep is very important, why? Because we want to keep our cortisol levels low.

If we increase cortisol (the stress hormone) we subsequently lower testosterone levels in our body.

6. Lower Estrogen Levels

We also want to keep estrogen on the low side so you want to avoid soy products especially soy protein isolates which is in a lot of diet foods and like the fake meat and things like that.

And then you want to avoid things that increase estrogen. So you want to eat organic because pesticides insecticides act like estrogen in the body and they're  called estrogen mimickers or endocrine disruptors.

7. Supplementations

There are certain supplements that can also help you as well the most important one is

1. Zinc

About 100 milligrams of zinc per day will actually work very well.

2. Korean Red Ginseng

Korean red ginseng not only improves testosterone but it's going to improve your energy, it's going to give you a sense of calmness. It will give you stamina, it will give you vitality.

It's a really good herb, it's been used for a very long time with great success.

3. L-arginine

L-arginine will increase something called nitric oxide which can increase testosterone. It's a good supplement.

4. D-aspartic acid

D-aspartic acid is another really good compound to help increase testosterone.

But remember any time you're doing supplements they may not work if your diet isn't corrected. So, focus on correcting your diet first and then go for the supplements.


If you have a fatty liver, that's going to inhibit your ability to make testosterone.

So you want to work on removing the fat from your liver by doing a moderate protein low-carb ketogenic diet.

Also if your iron is too high then it can suppress your testosterone and it can destroy your liver.


So these are all the natural ways and supplements that you could use to increase your testosterone levels quickly. Testosterone deficiency could cause so many health problems, so if you are deficient in testosterone then fixing up your lifestyle and diet may help before going for any supplementations.

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