Bloating and how to treat it | How to relieve bloating fast

Feeling Bloated? A bloated stomach is a common condition we all got and I have tips and tricks for you to get relieved from bloating.

If you are someone who gets bloated easily then this post is for you. Today we are going to dive into the causes, symptoms and remedies for this common and uncomfortable condition "Bloating".

There are a number of reasons why this may be happening to you. It may be that you are allergic or intolerant to certain foods or you might eat too fast! Whatever the reasons, we will cover the most likely causes that will help you beat the bloat.

Bloating and how to treat it | how to relieve bloating fast

What is Bloating?

Most people experience bloating at some point. Exercises, supplements, and massages can all help to reduce bloating quickly, and simple lifestyle changes can prevent it from reoccurring.

Abdominal bloating is when the abdomen feels full and tight. Tight feeling in upper stomach, Lower stomach pain, pain in left side under ribs, commonly occurs due to a buildup of gas somewhere in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Bloating causes the belly to look larger than usual, and it may also feel tender or painful. Fluid retention in the body can also lead to bloating.

In this article, we provide techniques for getting rid of bloating quickly and explain how to reduce bloating in the long-term.

Trapped gas is the main cause of bloating and having a bloated stomach.

Trapped Gas Symptoms:

The pain can be sharp and stabbing. It can also be a general feeling of acute discomfort. Your stomach may be bloated and you may have stomach crampsPain from gas that collects on the left side of your colon can radiate up to your chest.

What Causes Bloating in the Stomach?

The bloating can be swelling, gaseous pressure or water weight, and the causes of bloating can be serious, or—more times than not—trivial

1. Overeating

Overeating is probably the most common cause of bloating.

2. Having a food intolerance

Typically, if someone feels bloated, it is because of their food or water intake, but even if you haven’t eaten too much, you may have eaten the wrong thing. Certain food intolerances or sensitives to spicy or acidic foods can cause the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to have a more difficult time than usual.

3. Enjoying a high-starch or high-sodium diet

Diets high in sodium can cause water retention, and foods high in starch can increase the amount of gaseous bloating.

Everyone is a little bit different, and what causes bloating in one person won’t always affect another person. It’s really just about learning what foods cause you discomfort and limiting them in your diet. Foods heavy in starches—such as beans, legumes and bread—can help you feel fuller longer, but they can also cause someone to feel bloated.

4. Eating too late

An old myth states that eating too close to bedtime can cause weight gain, but that’s not necessarily true. Eating more calories than you burn causes weight gain. Still, having a heavy meal before bed can cause you to feel as if you’ve gained a lot of weight overnight.

When you sleep, your digestive system isn’t working as hard as when you’re awake, and being in a reclined position can cause some discomfort during the night and in the morning—when you’re supposed to feel at your leanest.

5. Having an undiagnosed condition

Chronic conditions can cause swelling and bloating in certain areas. If you have a history or concern of these conditions, then it’s best to talk with your primary care provider.

Symptoms of Bloating

  • Stomach cramps
  • Back pain
  • Painful stomach or sharp pain
  • Swollen belly or tight stomach
  • Gas, burps or hiccups
  • Shortness of breath (rarely)

How to relieve bloating fast

If you are dealing with bloating or someone prone to get bloated after every meal that they eat then try these remedies to help reduce bloating.

1. Grandmother's Secret Recipe:

Asafoetida is an incredible spice and an herbal remedy used for treating stomach disorder like indigestion, back pain, bloating, continuous burping and stomach pain.

2. Peppermint

Peppermint contains menthol that has an antispasmodic effect on the soft muscle of the digestive track. It is great for relaxing the churning stomach, and reducing the pain associated with gas and bloating.

4. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seed is loaded with diuretic, carminative and pain reducing qualities of fennel seeds make it useful to treat digestive problems like stomach pain, or lower back pain apart from bloating and gas.

5. Butter milk, Rock Salt and fruit powder

Using these 3 powerful ingredients helps to get rid of gas, extreme bloating and mild bloating and mild constipation. This powerful home remedies also helps in improving digestion.

6. Anise

Also known as aniseed, Anise has anti-spasmodic properties, which can help calm your digestive tract. It also has carminative properties, which assist to push out the build-up gas in the digestive tract and decreases swelling in the stomach.

7. Chamomile

chamomile tea is a further potent option to get relief from bloating. This herbal tea contains anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, which are very useful in soothing the stomach.

8. Lemon

Acidity in lemon increases the production of stomach acid, which helps to break down the food. It also helps the enzymes in liver to work more efficiently.

9. Turmeric

It has an anti-inflammatory property that works excellent in digesting the food.

10. Ginger

Ginger helps in increasing the muscle quality around the intestines, which helps the stomach to move food down to the digestive tract.

Foods to Eat

Eat these foods to help you relieve bloating

  • Probiotics (Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Yogurt)
  • Raw Dairy (Raw cheese, Kefir, Yogurt)
  • Water Rich Fruits and Vegetables (Leafy Greens, Cucumbers, Celery, Watermelon, Berries)
  • Herbs, Spices and Teas (Ginger, Aloe vera, fennel, Parsley)

Foods to Avoid

If you want to reduce bloating then you should avoid theses foods that cause gas

  • Sugar & Sweetened snacks
  • Conventional Dairy (Flavored Yogurt, Dairy's with sugar or artificial ingredients)
  • Refined Grains (Gluten, Corn, Oats)
  • Sulphur & FODmap Carbs (Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower)

The Bottom Line

When there is no medical cause behind the bloating, some simple tips can relieve the condition. You may even be able to stop it from occurring in the first place. Here’s what you can do.

Maintain a regular diet with moderate amounts of healthy foods. 

Try yoga. Certain poses can help with digestion and improve bloating.

Cut back on your alcohol intake and don’t replace your champagne with fizzy water, stick to still water.

Switch your fibers. Try rye or spelt bread rather than white and avoid gas-producing foods such as beans.

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