How to Lose Arm Fat in a Month | Lose Arm Fat from Spot Reduction (Study Included)

If you are dealing with those flabby arms and want to lose that arm fat fast in the most effective and efficient way possible then keep reading, I ve got some good news for you.
I am going to give you some best piece of advice which you can use to lose arm fat in a month, Guaranteed. The tips i am going to share with you are the fastest ways to tighten flabby arms.

How to Lose Arm Fat in a Month | Arm Fat reduction Exercise

What is Arm fat?

When arms gets the accretion of fat and it starts to have this saggy and pluming down effect of the skin, then it is termed as arm fat.

What Causes Arm Fat?

Flabby arms, Bat wings or Arm Fat are caused due to two primary reasons. One, our skin tends to lose its elasticity as we age and two, due to excess fat accumulation. Hormonal imbalance may also cause flabby arms. So, if you are someone who is aiming to look perfect with toned arms, you should get rid of those unsightly flabby arms.

You must have heard this a lot many times that spot reduction is not a thing and it doesn't work and yata yata yaa.

Let me come up with a short study regarding subcutaneous arm fat and then we will talk-

It is believed spot reduction, the exercise-induced localized loss of subcutaneous fat, does not occur as a result of an exercise program; however, evidence as a whole has been inconsistent. To reexamine this concept, the study compared subcutaneous fat measurements before and after resistance training among 104 subjects (45 men, 59 women).
All subjects were told to train there non dominant arm for a 12 week period.


After 12 weeks the 
Subcutaneous fat was measured by skinfold test and the subcutaneous fat that was surrounding the arm got decreased in the trained arm as compared to the untrained arm in both men and women.
In contrast, MRI found a generalized subcutaneous fat loss independent of gender, supporting the notion that spot reduction does not occur as a result of resistance training. But the general overall fat got decreased throughout the body.

What do we learn from this Arm fat spot reduction study?

The Skinfold test showed positive results, proving that we can actually get rid of arm fat by training our arm over a period of time. But MRI results (Sensitive to change in body composition) showed that the fat loss was more generalized; fat got lost all over the body, and arm did not lose fat specifically by training.

Well right of the bat most of the people will start to embed this notion in their head that "spot reduction is not a thing and you can't lose fat from one region of the body", and this notion alone is quite detrimental and will put you in a place of no hope and no gain (I mean no loss of fat) whatsoever.

Because you will start to believe that losing arm fat or fat from any other region of the body is not plausible so you stop doing anything at all, and guess what happens then,.. You will have an arm fat which is even more aggravated, and it's all due to the notion that has been cemented in your mind that you can't spot reduce.

So take it from here, what you have got to do if you want to lose arm fat fast.

Below I am going to share some tips that will help you lose arm fat fast and additionally you are also going to lose fat all over your body.

Lose Arm Fat in a Month

1. Caloric Deficit

See no matter how much you would wanna run away from this but seriously you've got to fix your nutrition first. I am not trying to run you away by saying this, but let me give you a hope and a different approach to this.
See, it's not that difficult what you have to do is- you have to be in a caloric deficit (consuming less calories then you burn). Okay, so how are you going to do that?

Take little steps at a time; calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) and minus 250 calories (that's basically half a bag of chips) from that for the initial week and from thereafter consume 150 calories less after every week. If you approach it in this manner then it will be less intimidating and more feasible. And by the end of 4 weeks you would have a major deficit solely by the nutrition.

2. Lower Cortisol

How to Lose Arm Fat in a Month | Lower your cortisol to reduce arm fat

As your body perceives stress, your adrenal glands make and release the hormone Cortisol into your bloodstream. Often called the "stress hormone", cortisol cause an increase in your heart rate and blood pressure. It's your natural “flight or fight” response that has kept humans alive for thousands of years.

Just Reduce stress from your life and if you have any physical stress then try to attenuate it by giving yourself and your body some time to heal and giving it right nutrients to make that recovery much faster.
This will help to reduce the arm fat or bat wing.

Tip: Avoid People that cause you to have more stress in your life. Instead surround yourself with people who make you happy.

3. Lower Estrogen

Estrogen is the main female sex hormone and arm fat is predominantly a female issue. So by lowering estrogen, I am not alluding to shut your estrogen to a complete stop and go onto some drug which will help you achieve that. No, no, no that's not what I am saying.
Estrogen plays a major role in fat accumulation in the body. The more the estrogen levels are the more are you going to accrete fat. So, if you have an excessive production of estrogen then only you will start to gain fat.
A healthy body produces desired amount of insulin and keeps blood sugar levels in check. However, high levels of estrogen in the body stresses the cells that produce insulin. This makes our body insulin resistant and lead to high glucose levels, which in turn lead to weight gain and fat accumulation around the arm, the belly and other regions of the body.

How to Lower Excessive Estrogen in your body to lose fat

  • Eat enough Protein in every meal (around 20 grams), Consuming adequate amount of protein is extremely important to lose fat from arms, belly and all over the body.
  • Engage in regular exercise
  • Avoid sugar and refined carbs
  • Learn to manage stress
  • Consume healthy fats
  • Avoid overeating and undereating
  • Drink Green tea
  • Eat fatty fish often

4. Increase Testosterone

Increasing testosterone will help you to balance the increased estrogen levels, and if you are already following the above tip no. 3 then you will automatically increase testosterone production but if you want to take a step beyond and increase your testosterone levels then do this.

How to increase testosterone levels to burn more fat

  • Exercise and lift weights
  • Eat Protein, Fats and Carbs
  • Minimize stress and cortisol levels
  • Get some sun and take vitamin D supplement
  • Take vitamins and minerals supplement
  • Get some good amount of sleep
  • Eat Cruciferous vegetable like broccoli, cabbage and other leafy greens Get the full list of testosterone boosting vegetables here.

5. Train your Arms to lose arm fat

How to Lose Arm Fat in a Month | Arm Fat reduction Exercise

A lot of women have this concern about their body that by training they will get huge just like Olympic body builder and lose all their feminine in them. So they don't train with weights and search for how to lose arm fat without weights or arm workout without weights. Most females are concerned about getting muscular and they want to lose arm fat without gaining muscle.
See gaining muscles is not a bad thing, besides females doesn't have much testosterone as compared to men so they are not going to gain muscles as much a man can do. The amount of muscle that female would gain would be appropriate to her body frame and size. So, don't be afraid to gain a little bit of muscle.

Additionally, muscle tissue is metabolically more active and burns more calories than fat tissue. The more muscles you have, the bigger your resting energy expenditure, which means that your body burns more calories "while doing nothing". In other words the more muscles you have the more calories you are going to burn.

In order to lose sagginess of the arms and lose that fat arm appearance then you have got to train them, you cannot get away with this.

By training your arms you are giving your body a way to spend some energy, hence you are going to burn away few calories from the arm workouts that you do plus by training or working out your arms you are giving your body, your arms an opportunity to change to get toned. This way you are going to be from flabby arms to sexy arms.

Exercises to lose arm fat

These exercises will help you get toned and sexy arms

  • Bicep curls
  • Triceps pushdowns
  • Shoulder press
  • Pushups
  • Pull ups
  • Plank Taps
  • Floor Dips

The Bottom Line

Although research shows that spot reduction may be ineffective, there are plenty of strategies that you can use to lose arm fat.
In addition to hitting the gym, switching up your diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also play a role in regulating body composition.
Implementing just a few of these changes in your daily routine can support weight loss and help you shed your unwanted arm fat.
Try these tips and exercises and say goodbye to your Arm Fat in a month. I promise you if you follow everything for just a month, you will see a big difference not just in your arms but in your overall appearance.
Try This, Good Luck!

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    How to lose arm fat
