Get six pack abs in six minutes.
There’s no such thing as spot-reducing fat, and a six-pack is indicative of overall health and whole-body fitness, not just the state of the core muscles. If there’s too much fat on top of the ab muscles, you’ll never see them, no matter how much core work you do.” That means eating healthily and doing cardio plus heavy weight training to lean down and build muscles to lose weight overall.
Then, when it comes to sculpting those abs of your dreams, it’s not as simple as doing endless crunches. Developing a six-pack requires more than just working the ‘pretty’ muscles that you can see. The deeper, transverse core muscles must be strengthened first to create a strong, solid base—without that, only doing crunches can actually make your belly stick out more. Nobody wants that.
And in this 6 pack abs home workout routine, our main focus will be strengthening those core muscles so that you get your foundations build solid and from there you can work your way up.
I have designed this six pack abs workout routine for home so there will be no excuses that you don't have equipments.
These abs exercises can be done by beginners as well as advanced people.
Six Pack abs Exercise Routine
1. V-ups - 20 seconds
2. Hollow Holds - 20 seconds
3. Bicycle crunch - 20 seconds
4. Side Plank (Left) - 20 seconds
5. Elbow Plank - 20 seconds
6. Side Plank (Right) - 20 seconds
Complete the circuit and repeat it according to your level
Beginner: 3 rounds
Intermediate: 4 rounds
Advanced: 5 rounds
1. V-ups
Two words: core strength. Remember this move is a bodyweight exercise, meaning that your weight is going to be the resistance you're using. You'll be forced to rely on your core strength to get your torso up and close to touching your legs. The move involves some serious upper and lower abs work. When done properly, you'll start to see some core definition pretty quickly.
- Lie on a mat with your legs fully extended and your arms extended over your head
- Raise both legs and your torso simultaneously and reach toward your feet
- Return to the starting position and repeat until set is complete
2. Hollow holds
A hollow hold — also known as a hollow body hold — is a movement that targets your entire core, from top to bottom and side to side. It will also help in other movements, such as pull-ups, because it helps you practice stability in your body.
You’ll often see athletes, particularly gymnasts, practice this movement, since it’s the foundation of many of the moves they have to execute.
- Start lying on back with with your arms extended overhead on floor and legs straight resting on mat
- At the same time, and with control, lift arms, head, shoulder blades, and legs off the floor
- Hold for 20 seconds then return to starting position. Rest for 10 seconds
3. Bicycle crunch
A strong core will help you with maintaining good posture and performing well at your daily tasks. It is also a key component of good performance in sports and physical activities. Doing a variety of ab and core exercises ensures you are engaging your muscles in different ways.
- Lie on your back, lift your shoulders off the mat and raise both legs.
- Bring one knee and the opposing elbow close to each other by crunching to one side, and fully extend the other leg.
- Return to the starting position and then crunch to the opposite side.
- Repeat until the set is complete.
4. Elbow Plank
- Get into a pushup position, with your elbows under your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart.
- Bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms and on your toes keeping your body in a straight line.
- Hold for as long as possible
5. Side Plank
The side plank is a great exercise for strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles, which don't get worked during ab exercises such as crunches. You will hold your body on your side in straight position supported only by one arm and the side of one foot.
- Lie on your side with your body fully extended.
- Lift your body off the ground and balance your weight between the forearm and side of the foot.
- Keep your body in a straight line and hold for as long as you can.
- Change sides and repeat.
The Bottom Line
These abs exercise will help you strengthen your core muscles and building a solid foundation.
Do these abs exercises daily and I guarantee you will get results in one month.
Small but intense abs sessions everyday will help you maximize gains and growth of your abs quickly.
By doing this at-home workout here will strengthen your abs from all angles and focus on function (how your body moves in real life), you’ll look good and have a stronger core and less risk of lower back injury. “Not only will you see better gains faster, it’s also the quickest way to take inches off your waistline.
The best creatine to build muscle helps you build a store of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) within your muscles. Your muscles then, at that point, use this ATP to perform unstable exercises even more viable. So, suppose you're doing deadlifts or HIIT and your muscles are flooded with ATP, you can get that additional rep, which causes muscle breakdown, which (assuming you're eating well) calls for muscle correction, which requires more strength later.