Do this and get a Flat Tummy Fast and Naturally in 22 Days | 3 Isometric Exercises to get rid of Belly Fat

Belly fat! How to get rid of that and get a flat tummy? This question is very common and it will keep appearing time after time, because of it's demand. The reason why this question is so common is due to our lifestyle.

We live in a time where we have gotten so spoiled due to the privileges we got from digital-ness of things.

Our sedentary lifestyle has led us to carry that huge belly and muffin tops with us wherever we go.

If you are struggling with this and want to get your stomach to be flat fast then keep reading.

No matter how many crunches or crash diets you follow but you never seem to have a flat belly at all.

Today in this post I am going to give you some hope that yes, you can get rid of belly fat of yours and get a sleek sexy stomach in just a matter of weeks! and no, here we are not talking about some magic pills that will help you lose belly fat and get a flat stomach overnight! but the tips that will be given in this post are completely natural backed by science and will definitely help you to lose fat around your belly.

I will share some of the best pieces of advice and exercise that you can follow daily and get rid of that round belly and have a flat stomach once and for all.

The first and most important thing to do if you want to lose belly fat is to eat healthy. Trimming belly fat will have to do with losing body fat all over, and you can only achieve that by watching what you put into your mouth.

Here's a friendly diet chart that will neither starve you nor kill your taste buds:

Eat this to lose belly fat in a week - belly fat reduction diet

Tip: This diet plan is about ~1200 calories. Adjust calories as per your own requirement.

Foods to avoid to lose belly fat

Your belly fat is the result of you consuming a lot of calories which will add up to the weight and cause you to have a round belly. Avoid the consumption of these foods which will make you fat and push you towards an unhealthy lifestyle.

Here's a list of food that you should avoid in order to lose weight and get a flat tummy and prevent weight gain. Take a look

  • Soda/ Diet Soda
  • Energy drinks
  • Candies, cakes and pastries
  • Packed fruits and vegetable juice
  • Processed food
  • Canned food
  • Milk chocolate

So, that was the nutrition part now lets dive into the exercise routine.

The routine which I am going to share with you will give you a flat belly fast.

This belly fat burning exercise routine consists of 3 isometric exercises. Isometric exercises are contractions of a particular muscle or group of muscles. During isometric exercises, the muscle doesn't noticeably change length and the affected joint doesn't move. Isometric exercises help maintain strength.

Exercises for a flat stomach

Do these Isometric exercises in the morning. It will only take you about 8 minutes to complete the circuit.

1. Elbow Plank


The plank strengthens your spine, your rhomboids and trapezius, and your abdominal muscles, which naturally result in a strong posture as they grow in strength. Developing your posture can improve on a number of ailments, and prevent the onset of other ones. Good posture means you're keeping your bones aligned

Belly Fat Exercise - Planks


1. Get into a pushup position, with your elbows under your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart.

2. Bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms and on your toes, keeping your body in a straight line.

3. Hold for as long as possible

Tip: Keep your core engaged, your abs tight, breath slowly and deeply. Maintain your body in a straight line, from your head down to your feet.

2. Side Planks


The side plank is a great exercise for strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles, which don't get worked during ab exercises such as crunches. You will hold your body on your side in straight position supported only by one arm and the side of one foot.

Belly Fat Exercise - Side Planks


1. Lie on your side with your body fully extended.

2. Lift your body off the ground and balance your weight between the forearm and side of the foot.

3. Keep your body in a straight line and hold for as long as you can.

4. Change sides and repeat.

Tip: While doing the side planks, position your elbow under your shoulder, keep your core engaged, your abs tight and breath slowly. Your body should form a straight line, from your head down to your feet.

3. Stomach Vacuum


Stomach vacuums are a fabulous way to reduce your midsection - a popular area to target for anyone wanting to lose weight. It is said that incorporating this technique in your regular abdominal regime can help you burn off your visceral fat in as little as three weeks.

Belly Fat Exercise - Stomach Vacuum


1. Take a deep breath and fill your lungs with air as much as possible.

2. Gradually swish out all the air inside you, all the air till the last blow. Making your lungs depleted of any air.

3. Try to suck in your gut, and a make those ribs accentuate.

4. Hold that pose for about 5-10 seconds, and let it go afterwards.

5. Repeat all the steps mention above for couple of times.

Tip: Initially you will be holding this pose for 5-10 seconds, make your way up from there by holding that pose for couple more second as you get more comfortable with it.

Workout Routine

1. Elbow Plank - 90 seconds

    REST - 30 seconds 

2. Side Plank - 60 seconds

    REST - 30 seconds

3. Elbow Plank - 90 seconds

    REST - 30 seconds

4. Side Plank - 60 seconds

    REST - 30 seconds

5. Stomach Vacuum - 10 seconds x 3sets

If you want to then you can follow this routine 2 times in a day; one in the morning and one in the evening.

Other Beneficial tips to get rid off belly fat

  • Cut Calories, but Not Too Much
  • Eat More Fiber, Especially Soluble Fiber
  • Take Probiotics
  • Do Some Cardio
  • Drink Protein Shakes
  • Eat Foods Rich in Monounsaturated Fatty Acids
  • Limit Your Intake of Carbs, Especially Refined Carb
  • Do Resistance Training


Have a balanced diet. Eat in a caloric deficit and do the above mention fat burning isometric moves for a flat belly. Continue these exercises and a healthy diet plan and I can guarantee you will see some noticeable changes especially in you mid-section.

So there you have it- how to get a flat stomach in 22 Days. I hope you found this post helpful. 

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