5 Best Back Exercises at Home: Resistance Bands Back Workout

There is no doubt that free weights, like dumbbells or barbell comes very handy if you want to put on muscle mass fast. Resistance bands are also a great way to keep your muscles in shock guessing.

If you are working out at home and have resistance bands as the only equipment, then keep reading this post.

Today, in this post I am going to share with you a perfect back workout routine which you can do at your home by using only resistance bands and your own body weight as a piece of equipment.

Benefits of Resistance Bands

Besides rehabilitation, toning and building muscle mass are one of the major benefits of resistance bands. They are the most useful piece of equipment one can have at their home. Because they come very cheap, they are portable and light weight. Moreover they are like a whole gym in just one band.

Can Resistance Bands Build Muscle?

Of course, you can build muscle mass and get stronger by training with resistance bands alone. Your body need resistance to get stronger and gain muscle size. Resistance band as the name suggest also offer a type of resistance which your body use as an opportunity to build muscle.

By working out with resistance bands, they recruit many stabilizing muscle group which increases the intensity of the already challenging bodyweight exercises and help to build muscle faster.

What are the best Resistance Bands to Buy?

If you don't have a resistance band then, you can check this one out.
It's very affordable and can give up a resistance of 7-15 kg max.
It's a decent band if you are a beginner, moreover it's quite good for home workouts. You will get a decent pump out of this, I promise.

If you want something challenging and want to have an even greater pump then I would highly recommend checking this one out. It will give you a resistance of 18 - 36 kg max.

Or you could buy both of them and can use pushing exercise with the heavy one or make use of light one in an isolation exercise.


5 Best Back Exercise at Home: Resistance Bands Back Workout

Exercise 1: Home Back Workout with Resistance Bands

1a. Pull-ups
1b. Resistance Band Pull Down

So starting our back workout with the king of all exercise and that is the pull-ups, and we are hitting our back muscles with in a superset fashion. If you don't have a pull-up bar then you can do pull-ups on a door frame. So no excuses!

Right after our pull-ups we will take the resistance band and anchor it to a high point in our house, so that we get a good stretch on our lats or back muscles.

We will do Resistance band pull down, it's an amazing back exercise which is also a lat pull down alternative.
Sit down on you knees and grab the resistance band and pull it towards your upper chest. Hold position at the end for couple of seconds and repeat till failure.

Resistance band pull down are going to work as a drop set for your pull-ups, so crank out as many reps as you can to get the most amount of burn in your lats and overall back muscles.

Exercise 2: Home Back Workout with Resistance Bands

2a. Bent Over Rows
2b. Low to High Rowing

Moving on to the second exercise, and again it is also going to be a superset.

First we will do some bent over rowing; Get the band under your feet and bend down until your torso is parallel to the ground and hold the resistance band (adjust grip as per your level; holding the band close to the feet will make it difficult and vice-versa)

When you are done with that, take the band and anchor it on a low point and grip the resistance band form both the hand and start rowing it.

When you are in a stretch position, keep your hands in a neutral grip and when you are contracting your lat muscles, try to supinate your grip and give a tight squeeze to the back muscles.

Try to keep your lower back straight and strong.

Exercise 3: Home Back Workout with Resistance Bands

3. Straight Arm Lat Pulldown

So our third exercise will test our straight arm strength and completely isolate our lat muscle. This one is crucial if you wanna build planch, crane pose, or other difficult callisthenic moves.

We will do it with one arm first then we would train with our second arm. Trust me its a great lats workout.

Take the band anchor it on a high point. Now come to an athletic stance, keep your one leg behind and make sure you hold the resistance band with the hand whose side leg is behind. This will ensure maximum stretch on your lats muscle.

Now Move your hand straight down making an arch and tuck your arm to your side and you don't stop just here, go beyond your side and pull your arm a little behind your body, so to keep your lats properly squeezed and contracted.

Exercise 4: Home Back Workout with Resistance Bands

4. Seated Rowing

Moving forward with our forth exercise and we will do seated rows, which will increase the thickness of our back and give us a thick back. It's one of the best old school exercise for back.

Anchor the resistance band on a point close to the ground. Now sit on the ground, spreading your legs making an "V" shape. Now bend your knees and try to grab the ground with your feet, so that you don't lose the grip and slip away.

Grip the resistance band and pull it close to your body by contracting your back muscles.

Exercise 5: Home Back Workout with Resistance Bands

5. Face Pulls

Okay so moving on to our final exercise for back and this is going to work on our upper back muscles, moreover fixing our posture. Because lot of the time we tend to have a rounded back, slouching forward due to our lifestyle and weaken back muscles.

So wrap the resistance band on a point little bit above your head and hold the band from either sides. Stand in an athletic stance.

Now pull the band close to your face by externally rotating your shoulders, this will train your upper back muscles and rear delts. Make sure to do this exercise slowly and make every rep count.

What to expect from Resistance Band Training?

How long does it take to build back muscles with resistance bands?

Let me be honest with you, you will not see results right off the bat. You would have to work hard.

Like any other resistance training, training with resistance band is also the same.
You would have to keep on progressing in it by giving your body enough stress so that it breaks down and build back up strong.


So there you have it guys, your complete back workout bodybuilding routine which you can do at your home by only using resistance band and additionally a pull-up bar.

Integrate this resistance bands back workout into your usual routine and see the gains in muscle strength and increased muscle mass, with a strong lower back and strong and wide upper back.

This back workout for men and women integrates the best back exercises which will help you grow that V-taper back and look more aesthetic and athletic.

All these back exercises put our lower back in a position which is responsible for stabilization of our body, so that means you are getting a great lower back workout also as your lower back is being train isometrically.

So you can say all these back exercises are also lower back strengthening exercises.

If you want more back exercises which you can do with resistance band then make sure to check this post out by Atemi Sports.

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