Build Monster Traps with One Exercise | Bigger Traps Secret

Trap Building Secrets

Have you ever seen someone with big traps and wish that you had those humongous traps? I am going to show you in this post that how you can build bigger and boulder traps muscle. So that when you wear a t-shirt, you have that big guy tag on you.

If you really want t look huge and big then I would recommend that you work on your traps muscle because these muscle are going to add up to the size of your overall body frame and make you look bigger instantly.

Today we're going to talk about one of the hottest topics now, that how to get huge traps and look bigger and there is a training secret that you can use when you're doing your traps exercises like shrugs.

The secret I am going to share with you is quite easy to apply and you actually can implement this technique with any of the traps exercises, because this training will fill up the gap that has been around the traps exercises for a very long time.

This isn't all that a secret, but I think guys are really missing the point. A lot of times I think there are three mistakes that people are making, which is either injuring them or slowing down their traps growth, because they are not actually hitting the muscle in the preferred way it is intended to be hit or train.


1. People do Barbell Shrugs

They do barbell shrugs as opposed to dumbbell shrugs, and I'll give you the reason why, this might be sabotaging your traps muscle gains.

If you do a barbell shrug, you're pretty much limited by the position of the bar by how far back you can go.

So most of the time guys are doing their shrugs straight up and down, and again this might sound pretty familiar if this is what you're doing.

2. Behind the Back Shrugs

Or guys do behind the back shrugs, but again you're limited as to how much you can actually move the bar, Right? It's a little bit awkward to be gripping it behind you and pulling it up, and here you're limited by your thighs as to how far you can move the bar back.

3. Slouching Forward

Most of the time guys do slouch forward, as the weight they use in their traps exercise is quite heavy and they think the more they round their shoulder forward the more bigger traps they are going to build. But that's obviously not true.

The reason why that's a big deal is you have to understand what the traps do.


Traps don't just elevate the shoulders or the scapula upward, but they also retract the scapula and pull them back.

So unless you have that component in the exercises that you're doing to train your traps, you're not going to have the elevation that you want or the development that you want on them.


So just switch to dumbbells and importantly we do something very different with the dumbbells when we do the shrugs.

When you grab a set of dumbbells and do the shrugs, what it allows you to do, is not just pull up but you can actually complete the range of motion, which is actually the intend of using dumbbells.

And most of the time what mistake do people make when they pull up, they are actually kind of doing it with a rounded shoulder because that's really the tendency of guys to be in a forward posture. We don't want to go just up; we also want to go back and I believe that's the key of getting or building a big traps muscle.

Because retracting at the same when we elevate we really contract the traps. And understand that guys, I say it all the time, you want to contract the muscle that you are working.

So if you perform your traps this way, then you see the big difference. In your traps muscle and overall appearance.

That is actual true trap activation and that is going to lead to true trap development.

So a lot of times we find ourselves in the gym just going through our workouts but not really thinking about each movement that we're doing or even every rep on the exercise that we're doing, and it is an important point.

I think that we need to address and correct this, and with BEAXT TRAINING, what I try to do is focus on those smaller things, because those smaller things done repetitively will add up to big differences in how you look and the results you can see from your training.

So even though, people say, “Stop nit picking every small details or aspect of exercise”, it is because of these small details that's what is going to lead to the best end result and that's what I want for you.


In your next traps session use dumbbells instead of barbells, as dumbbells will provide bigger range of motion.

Don't just focus on going up and down, instead focus on going up and back by externally rotating your shoulders behind your back.

This way you are going to build huge taps, and you may see a big difference in your overall appearance in just a matter of weeks.

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