1000 REPS TOTAL BODY WORKOUT ROUTINE AT HOME | Full Body Home Workout without Weights

What's up guys! Today I am going to take your through my favourite home workout routine which is quite fast and effective. So If you are short on time or short on equipment then this workout might come to your rescue.

It's a Total Body Home Workout where you will need zero equipments. If you don't have enough time to go to the gym or just like working out at home then follow this workout which will hit your entire body and get you to your knees.

You are going to do 4 rounds of the following exercises, 25 reps each and that will sum up to 1000 reps in total.

If you are working out at home for a long time then the major issue comes that the exercises becomes quite easy to perform. And People complaining that you don't or can't build muscle or burn fat at home, you would have to go out to the gym for that. But that's not what we preach here at BEAXT TRAINING.

What I believe is that if you know how to actually challenge your body on a daily basis, it will grow. I mean if you train it hard enough then your body wouldn't have any reason for not to grow.

One more reason why people stick to this mentality of not being able to build muscle at home is because they haven't done enough work. People, most of the time are afraid of doing hundreds or thousands of reps; because they don't have either enough endurance or faith that they will actually get something out of it

Here in this 1000 Reps Total Body Workout Routine you will see what repetitive effort does to your body.

Let's Begin!


Exercise 1: Jumping Jacks

We are starting off with some Jumping Jacks just to get our body ready for the torture it will go through.
Jumping Jacks are a great cardio exercise, it will get our heart rate up and get the blood flow going into our muscles.

4 sets x 25 reps

Exercise 2: V-Ups

In our next exercise we are going to target those abs, and we are doing V-Ups so this is going to target our upper and lower abs at the same time quite effectively. Just remember to keep your core engaged at all times while performing this move. Inhale when you go down and exhale when you come up.

4 sets x 25 reps

Exercise 3: Squats

Classic old squats, Squats are great to build you entire lower body, from glutes to quads it hits everything. You know how to perform this movement because you have been squatting since you were a baby. Just keep the pressure on your thighs instead of your knees and you will get a good burn in a couple of reps.

4 sets x 25 reps

Exercise 4: Sit-Ups

Moving on to our next exercise we are going to hit our abs again with Sit Ups. Try to squeeze your abs when you come up.

4 sets x 25 reps

Exercise 5: Pushups

Next we are hitting our chest, shoulders and triceps with the classic pushups. Pushups are quite underrated exercise when it comes to building muscle, but it's the basic foundation of all the pushing exercise. Keep your entire body straight and tight and elbows tucked in, don't flare them out so much just be in a comfortable position (Hey, not to comfortable!). If you can't do a regular pushup just yet then by all means do the knee pushups.

4 sets x 25 reps

Exercise 6: Side Lunges (Left)

Giving attention to those outer quads and adductors, we are doing side lunges.

4 sets x 25 reps

Exercise 7: Side Lunges (Right)

Switch sides and do them all over again.

4 sets x 25 reps

Exercise 8: Dips

If you want to build bigger arms then you got to train your triceps as it acquires one-third of our arm's size. Plant your hands on table or couch and rep out. Remember to keep your hands not towards your body slightly away from your body, your fingers should be facing slightly outside from your body.

4 sets x 25 reps

Exercise 9: Commandos

It's basically going from elbow planks to the regular planks simultaneously. Start off from elbow planks and move your one arm and push it straight into the ground and after that do the same with the other arm until you get into a regular pushup position. This will greatly improve your strength in arms and shoulder while isometrically hitting those core muscles.

4 sets x 25 reps

Exercise 10: Lying Back Extensions

Finishing our workout with some nice Back Extensions. This will target your entire posterior chain from your hamstrings to upper back, majorly focusing on lower back which is quite susceptible to injuries. So we have got to fortify it from any vulnerabilities and Back Extensions do the job perfectly.

4 sets x 25 reps



So there you have it guys, your complete Total Body workout which you can do at the comfort of your own home, or park, hotel room or wherever.

Being short on time shouldn't be an excuse for not working out. Try this workout as a challenge and see how much you can gain out of it in just short amount of time.

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