If you are looking for a great workout which you can do at your gym in order to lose weight the fast and the best way possible then I would suggest you follow this workout below and you will see some results in a matter of weeks.
In this Workout routine we are using Battle Ropes and Jump Ropes plus our body weight to get a great workout done.
Battle ropes are one of the best conditioning exercise out there. If you want to burn excessive amount of calories and lose that belly fat, then battle ropes are the way to go.
Battle ropes not only help you burn tons of calories but also improves your endurance as well as your stamina. Moreover they are a great way to keep your body in tone and shape.
We are also doing Jump Ropes in this workout which is also another great fat burning exercise. So combining both of them and you will get an awesome body of your dreams.
This workout is going to be in a circuit style, I have curated these exercises in a descending level of difficulty, so that you can get the most out of this workout by going to and through failure.
This fat burning workout is divided in 3 sections of 1 minute each, which includes our working and rest time.
Alright, so the first exercise is going to be in a Tabata style. We will be doing different types of battle ropes for 20 seconds straight and after that we will take a brief rest of 10 seconds.
EXERCISE 1: Alternating Wave Battle Ropes - 20 seconds
Rest - 10 seconds
EXERCISE 2: Double Wave Battle Ropes - 20 seconds
Rest - 10 seconds
Moving on to our second segment, we are going to pick up that jump rope and start hopping on the ground like a boxer and jump for 50 second straight.
Just do a regular bounce on a moderate pace. If you do some tricks like boxers step, double unders or running in place then you would certainly burn more calories, but if you cannot do any tricks then it's fine just stick to the regular bounce.
If you don't have a jump rope then by all means just jump up and down replicating that jump rope hand movement.
EXERCISE 3: Jump Ropes - 50 seconds
Rest - 10 seconds
Finishing off our set with this third and final segment, in this part we are doing mountain climbers to get those lower abs and obliques working. We will do mountain climbers for 20 seconds following by a 10 second brief rest period.
After your rest is finished, get back into the position and get your total body involved to finish off this segment with some burpees for 30 second straight.
EXERCISE 4: Mountain Climbers - 20 seconds
Rest - 10 seconds
EXERCISE 5: Burpees - 30 seconds
Rest for 1 Minute and Repeat all the segments 2 more times.
So that completes your first set, do two more and there you will have it, your complete FAT BURNINIG WORKOUT, which will not only burn fat out of your body but also giving it a great tone at the same time, by hitting those muscles in your body.
The Best Waist Trainer is specially designed to help women realize their dream body faster. It not only narrows your waistline and not only hides your excess belly fat , but also ensures that the fat burning process is started faster. Because of the compression, the perspiration around your abdominal area will immediately increase. Especially during sports use is recommended and the fat burning will increase.